Apologies in advance for the watermark. These came originally from my blog posts from last year, which are now on my Flickr feed. I should really find the unmarked files at some point.
This first one is actually converted to black and white because I accidentally shot an entire roll of Kodak Gold 100 in my Zorki 6 with a yellow filter on.
What can I say, I'm too used to an SLR! Some of the shots were sort of interesting, but for the most part, they looked far too jaundiced. Conversion was my only choice. But it did result in interesting grain:
Day 159 - B&W boat by
limrodrigues, on Flickr
These two were actually shot on black and white. My brother-in-law handed me his Spotmatic kit one day. It had been sitting in a camera bag in his office for probably 20 years. The bag was even disintegrating badly already. Turns out, it still had film in it. Had no idea what it was. I shot it up and opened the back - it was TriX. So these are from TriX that is
at least 20 years - if not more - expired, not properly stored.
Day 132 - Rooster by
limrodrigues, on Flickr
Day 132 - Dog by
limrodrigues, on Flickr