My output was minimal and dull at best. Tried to use a pack of expired 668 film, from the 1980s, I think. Was a bust. The only shot that has an identifiable image was my living room, exposed for 10 seconds with the 195. Also took one shot of some pretty clouds (I think the monsoon is slowly working it's way in) to check out my new Fuji 100B (got 10 packs for cheap on ebay).
Blogged about Polaroid packaging and some of the booklets and stuff. Quiet for me mostly. Next week I'm going up north and also going to check out some of the northwest part of the state where I've never been. Got 6 packs of expired 600 coming to try out.
Another nice portrait, mark. wish i could do more of that here. population density is only high in cars and malls here, though. And people don't much like having pictures taken, unless it's at an outdoor event with lots of other people around.
Speaking of 600, I read all about converting sx-70 to 600, but it's always the flip-open cameras. anyone every modify a good old rainbow striped OneStep?
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