Author Topic: Filmwasters – The Magazine!  (Read 23001 times)


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Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« on: October 23, 2013, 02:01:40 PM »
I was wondering if there was any interest from members here in producing a magazine.

To give some background, I have previously run a small press, publishing handmade poetry chapbooks, which then moved up to paperbacks (not handmade) and hardbacks. I have also published a quarterly poetry magazine (web and print). Following this I was the editor of a football programme for Leamington FC (they are now about 6 divisions down from the Premier League) publishing, on average, once a week. So I have some experience in this sort of thing.

I would dearly love to be able to buy a magazine that was dedicated to film photography, covering old and new cameras, films, photographers, history etc.etc. but there isn’t really one out there. So why not make one?

My initial thoughts on it are not too grandiose. Put it out twice yearly, and in .PDF. A free publication that can be put on blogs, facebook, wherever people want under creative commons license.

To work it will require that folk put things forward to be included, or allow themselves to be badgered into doing it :D . Be it an article about a camera, film, printing etc. or a photo essay series. It could be anything relevant; My first camera, a selection from an old album, why a specific picture is important to somebody, anything at all.

I’m not one to throw out suggestions and then let other people do all the work, I’m quite prepared to put the effort in to get a first issue off the ground and further.

I would want it to be Filmwasters branded though, so fully expect for it to have to go through some kind of approval process before being made available. I’ve been a member of several forums, not just photography related, and this one is undoubtedly the most positive and least abrasive I’ve been involved with, it deserves a magazine!

So there we go, does this sort of thing sound appealing? Any initial thoughts, positive or negative?

Last Updated: 21/11/2014
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Urban Hafner

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2013, 02:22:21 PM »
The magazine bug has been going around in the film photo world in recent months, hasn't it? ;D

I'd certainly be game, also because I think I could learn a lot about the process (been thinking of doing one myself for a while). Let's hear what the forces that be have to say about the FW branding (see the recent Exa thread, too).


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2013, 02:32:20 PM »
The magazine bug has been going around in the film photo world in recent months, hasn't it? ;D

It has. I actually do go through the magazine racks looking to see if there's anything related, even an article would be nice, rarely find much though.

I'd certainly be game, also because I think I could learn a lot about the process (been thinking of doing one myself for a while). Let's hear what the forces that be have to say about the FW branding (see the recent Exa thread, too).

I read the Exa thread, slight difference in that there is absolutely no intention of any money changing hands, which seemed to be the issue.

If the response were negative then it should be called "Filmwaster (not affiliated with Filmwasters)" ;D
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2013, 03:33:38 PM »
It's a good idea. There are plenty of people here on the forum who are already writing good articles and publishing good photos on their own blogs. So there is a pool of people right there that are capable and apparently willing. I'm sure that some of them would be willing to put an article in the magazine rather than on their personal blog once or twice a year. It would just be up to you as 'Editor in Chief' to either make selections from the flood of submissions from frustrated artists or to go out and tap someone you thought had something to contribute. Count me among the frustrated artists, willing to contribute what I can.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2013, 04:08:57 PM »
Before going any further, I think we should get Leon and Ed's word on that.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2013, 04:13:05 PM »
Before going any further, I think we should get Leon and Ed's word on that.

No problem with that.

It's just a discussion at present and getting an idea of interest levels and suchlike. Talking it through might give Leon and Ed a little more information as to whether it is worth doing or not.
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2013, 04:14:52 PM »
Definitely Francois! One of my pinhole images was on the inside first page of Stacie Turner's magazine........As Yet Unnamed Toy Camera Magazine:  Fall 2013 By Stacie Turner
But I would be interested at any rate.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2013, 04:19:42 PM »
It's a good idea. There are plenty of people here on the forum who are already writing good articles and publishing good photos on their own blogs. So there is a pool of people right there that are capable and apparently willing. I'm sure that some of them would be willing to put an article in the magazine rather than on their personal blog once or twice a year. It would just be up to you as 'Editor in Chief' to either make selections from the flood of submissions from frustrated artists or to go out and tap someone you thought had something to contribute. Count me among the frustrated artists, willing to contribute what I can.


I've managed a submission process before and sought out contributors. Apart from one venture, I have always had a small group of two or three to review submissions that make it past the initial criteria filters (such as submissions requested on a theme but the subs are not on that theme and suchlike). I can do it on my own but think it works better as a group. I've never done stock replies and have always taken the time to politely explain why the submission was not being used. The important things I think, are to always be positive, always polite and always respectful.
Last Updated: 21/11/2014
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Ed Wenn

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2013, 05:11:06 PM »
Hi everyone. I'd like to hear Leon's take on it too  ;D ;D

Speaking for myself, and I suspect the others who 'run' this site, I feel it's an honour that you'd consider branding your magazine with our site's name and I can't see why we can't get this to work as long as we agree to a few things right at the start. Probably just points such as the non-profit angle that you've raised already and also - thinking off the top of my head - making sure it doesn't come across as an anti-digital rant mag.

So from me it's a tentative (but very enthusiastic) 'thumbs up'. Let me get into a huddle with the other shadowy moderators and get back to you.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2013, 05:38:06 PM »
This is where we have an issue, I refuse to be involved with anything that isnt going to make me a few quid and also I insist we hate on the digital crowd.  Although anyone using a Nokia 920 is fine.

On a more serious note, I think its fine, subject to the caveats mentioned thus far - id like to think we can offer something quality, useful and interesting.   

I would love to contribute where I can.. but im well known for being busy  (NB:- for "busy"  read "slacker")

Urban Hafner

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2013, 06:30:04 PM »
I've managed a submission process before and sought out contributors. Apart from one venture, I have always had a small group of two or three to review submissions that make it past the initial criteria filters (such as submissions requested on a theme but the subs are not on that theme and suchlike). I can do it on my own but think it works better as a group. I've never done stock replies and have always taken the time to politely explain why the submission was not being used. The important things I think, are to always be positive, always polite and always respectful.

That rings true with the FW spirit of being nice and including everyone who shoots film :) If this goes any further I'm willing to help out. I do web stuff all day so I could help with that part, but I also have no problem helping out in other ways.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 06:42:57 PM »
If our esteemed moderators / site owners are up for it, I'm more than happy to contribute in any way that I can.

However, I'm sure everyone who's expressed an interest to-date is mindful that there are significant practicalities and even legalities to be dealt with when it comes to publishing - whether on the internet or on paper. There's also the issue of editorial control (who says whose work is included and whose is rejected), ensuring technical accuracy of article / review content and avoiding publishing any comments that could be deemed libellous, defamatory or otherwise actionable against the owners, editorial staff and/or contributors.

Incidentally, where would the magazine ownership be registered? Who would actually "own" the magazine (they would need professional negligence and directors and officers cover to protect them individually or collectively in the event of any actions brought against them). If we're talking about actually publishing printed material, that would come at a cost. Even a "virtual" magazine could incur expenses.

All can be overcome, diaclaimered and/or insured against but I suspect that it will not be a simple task.  Sorry if this has come across as negative - it's actually intended to be the exact opposite.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2013, 07:20:49 PM »
Those are valid concerns, Paul.  I suppose we're looking at something along the lines of "View Camera" magazine.  Maybe we could find out what legal considerations they have to deal with.  I suspect that as soon as we go public--i.e., start putting it on magazine racks anywhere we're liable to become somebody's target.  My son has gotten into blacksmithing and regularly receives some very handcrafted magazines but my suspicion is that they are distributed to subscribers only and that may change the nature of their legal situations.  Probably best to consult a lawyer in any case.  Of course, reflecting the nature of the group, this would necessarily be an international venture.  Maybe we could register in Uzbekistan....


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2013, 07:22:27 PM »
For me it would be a great honour and pleasure to contribute if desired. The indication of ownership and also image rights (model release, copyright) is very important imho. F.e. I publish all my pics at flickr under a creative commons licence since long. And a proofread for the not native english speakers like me would be very helpful.

It's a long way, let's go.

Mike (happyforest)

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2013, 07:25:40 PM »
A lot of people are using to self publish magazines.



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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2013, 07:41:14 PM »
My feelings are go for it subject to Eds stuff.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2013, 08:41:26 PM »
Fabulous to see such a positive response so far. All the points made are valid and, as I started the topic I’ll do my best to offer my interpretation of how matters would proceed, though this is all at the ideas stage and is there to be shaped into something workable, or not if it doesn’t get the green light.

Initially this would be a free .pdf magazine, produced to the very highest quality that the available resources will allow. Everybody here that wants to contribute to its creation should be given the opportunity to do so, there are design opportunities, editorial discussions, proof reading including technical/specification as well as many other areas that will all need attending to. The more people that become involved the better, I personally don’t like exclusivity, it amounts to exclusion which is never the way to go. The community aspect of its origins should then be reflected in its creation. The final, proofed copy would be submitted to a Ed, Leon and any others that need to see it first and then it would go live after approval (though I would expect/hope that those who need to would see things as it was being collated). The magazine would belong to this site if they would like it to, if not then to this community, there are a number of ways to go with ownership.

In relation to copyright, I would suggest Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. In brief, all content may not be altered or used for commercial purposes and any use must clearly state who the copyright owner is. It’s more complicated than that but it is the strictest of the CC licences. Submissions would be on this CC basis. There would be an element of trust with regards to model releases and suchlike.

With regards to insurance and lawyers, at this early stage I don’t believe this is necessary. I would certainly agree that there may come a point where this does become necessary, but as a group we would need to be learning to walk before we can run and the initial goal should be simply to see what we can achieve and whether our efforts are then deserving of putting out there into the wider world. 
With regards to digital, I see it as a place to celebrate analogue, not attack digital. I also don’t expect for the mere mention of digital to be banned. There is a lot of crossover and if it’s relevant and useful there should be a place for it, such as analogue lenses that work on digital cameras or using a digital camera instead of a light meter.

The above is just my thinking, other peoples will help immensely as I have learned through the years that there are occasions when I’m not always right!

I would be happy to carry out editorial duties to get things up and running, but would be just as happy to help out where I can if somebody else is better suited.
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2013, 08:54:59 PM »
That all sounds fine Verian. Very good actually.

Just one point ... If the mag is to be a filmwasters mag, it should follow our position on digital:

In short, anything goes as long as it originates on film/ traditional silver based imaging (paper etc). Digital printing, post editing and so on is all fine. Camera gear type discussions would need to be focused on film cameras. But, as you say, using digi to aid the trad process is fine ... Maybe photographing negs as an alternative to scanning, or your example as a lightmeter.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2013, 09:23:37 PM »
If I can contribute in away way, I will do so gladly.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2013, 09:39:21 PM »
This is a very good idea, I think, especially considering the abundance of talent that frequents this place. I'm happy to help out/contribute where I can.
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2013, 10:10:58 PM »

Rafael Morales

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2013, 10:20:58 PM »
Does anyone own the rights to the name "Camera Work"  ;)


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2013, 10:32:41 PM »
Well, I could write up a few things. I've been known to have a good pen.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2013, 11:30:50 PM »
I'd love to contribute. If done properly this could be a terrific project.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2013, 12:01:28 AM »
WOW!  What a great idea.  The magazine would be a great tool for those of us learning or relearning
film and film cameras.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2013, 12:48:41 AM »
I'd be happy to contribute or help out if I can. I'm an English teacher so I might be useful as a proofreader.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2013, 12:50:08 AM »
No issues from my side either, but a number of clear points need to be made (to be confirmed by the other site owners too):

o As mentioned above, it has to be and always be non-commercial. This does not just mean not-for-profit, but also no money changes hands. Not for ads, not for contributions, not for unit sales.
o Use of the filmwasters name, logo, or anything else (such as submitted work here - photographs or words), is your tacit agreement to that.

Not that we've got vast legal resources at hand, but certainly I suggest these would be the minimum terms for a magazine under our name. We are after all about contributions and creative driven ideas.

Having been involved in numerous similar ventures I can only add they are an enormous amount of work, and as soon as money becomes involved there's always one greedy hand trying to get into the money jar. Skj.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2013, 02:02:22 AM »
I have no problems contributing and helping. I'm a crap dry boring writer that's why I contributed lots to the non-commerical project! ;D

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #28 on: October 24, 2013, 05:33:02 AM »
Having been very involved with the creation and design of Lightleaks magazine with Skorj (and working in magazine publishing for 10 years), I can tell you that making any kind of money from this will be verrrry difficult. I'd imagine that as long as those involved in the creation and content don't expect to get paid, then it might be successful to a degree, at least as something to enioy and be proud of.

I would suggest that quarterly would be the best release option to reduce deadline stress and allow for more time to gather quality material. I don't see any problem using a print on demand service if people want to pay for hardcopies, as long as it is at cost without profit (or any money goes towards website maintanance since we all use this site for free but someone is obviously paying for it).

It sounds like a good idea as long as it doesn't go sour, as these things tend to do when people disagree or expect something in return.

"Filmwasters" is the most obvious and fitting name for the magazine.

I don't mind helping out a bit, but I've got too many other things in my life now to be as involved as I was with Lightleaks!

Someone asked about the name Camera Works....wasn't that the name of Steiglitz's magazine?  ???

Content is pretty easy. Some photo sections (themed?), maybe a specific photographer focus, some how tos, a camera section, reviews, etc. even excluding digital, there are tons of film subjects to cover, both for noobs and the experienced. Certainly themes from the website could be carried over (interesting camera #, what did you shoot, etc.).
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 05:43:08 AM by moominsean »
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #29 on: October 24, 2013, 05:59:33 AM »
Question: Should this even be a magazine or will a more basic zine type publication be more suitable?

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2013, 06:30:25 AM »
I wouldn't mind a zine type. anyhow, much good ideas are written here (even copyright got brought up -great!). but if it would be as skorj writes: then we would have to hand it out for free, even stand for the shipping ourselves? or maybe I'm reading this No-money-changing-hands totally wrong? I would gladly be corrected if so :)
"o As mentioned above, it has to be and always be non-commercial. This does not just mean not-for-profit, but also no money changes hands. Not for ads, not for contributions, not for unit sales."

anyhow, I would like to contribute with some camera reviews, I've meant to start writing some for a long time :)


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2013, 06:40:12 AM »
I don't think it should be a physical paper publication. Pdf as suggested.

I'd be very keen to contribute too. I've written for black and white photography magazine in the past. Would be keen to do the printers art type articles again - see here:



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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2013, 08:12:49 AM »
I don't want to seem like a wet blanket or spoil any potential here but what exactly is the desire to launch an online photo gig? Would content consist of images, discussion, gear, etc,? I think the website here pretty much covers all of those areas already, only scattered about. Are you looking for something to call your own to operate and maintain with a different format as far as a community, appearance, etc?

You literally have to be Superman to run anything online where one would have to commit nearly 100% to keep it operating and interesting without, as Sean put it, going sour. A person or persons would really have to devote a good amount of time and extra effort to get it started and keep the boat floating. Now a days everyone and their pets work full schedules...or experience unexpected circumstances or situations where it would cause one to lax or not find time and not be consistent... and the list goes on. An example of that is here on Filmwasters where some of the sites owners have nearly vanished because of new things in their lives or what have you. And with that, highlight's of this website such as guest features, collaborations, etc., have decreased greatly. I'm not knocking anybody or pointing fingers mind you.... just an example of how things can die down in time because of. Why not just make the effort instead in juicing up the joint here as it once was with those great guest features and collaborations and camera gear, etc. or make new features on a more consistent manner, or even a new look. Hell I don't know, I just woke up and started spewing at the mouth like I'm Jessie Ventura. Shit, I haven't even picked up my Holga since 1999 so I'm one to talk, huh. But that could change surly. In any event, you have my support.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 08:16:53 AM by beck »
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2013, 10:01:36 AM »
Yes, great idea. Happy to write something badly spelt and ill-informed. But dry all the same.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2013, 10:42:47 AM »
Beck, from my perspective there are a number of reasons to do this. I would say that there will be many differing opinions of its validity, its purpose, its direction etc. and none of those opinions is necessarily wrong or right. Without listing everything that I can think of, I see it as an opportunity to create something together that is more focused than a forum (I am not knocking forums, I love ‘em!) and gives people the opportunity to pass on the wealth of knowledge that they have, in an organised and structured way that is easily accessible and shareable. Some of us need a goal to finish projects, or even start them, having an end point of inclusion in this venture might make somebody dust down that camera that has been sitting unused and go out shooting to create a photo essay or similar, not necessarily the best example but I’m sure you get the idea. In my experience contributors also take extra care when submitting content and with the benefit of editorial assistance, an experience that will be new to many, can produce really good pieces.

To give an example, I have quite often seen a camera mentioned and will then google it, this will take me to several different places looking for sample images, tips, trick, pitfalls, prices etc. and having this all together in one article would be really useful for me, and I‘m sure for others. We all have different levels of knowledge and experience, sometimes there are threads (not just on this forum) where I have absolutely no idea what people are talking about, but I know there are people who can explain it to me well so that I can understand it, such as Leon’s printers art articles. I’m new to printing (my first should be this weekend) and would love to have a read of that and know where it is if I need to refer back to it again.

With regards to the commitment and hours, you are absolutely right, but I can assure everybody that we will produce a first issue, that’s a commitment I am happy to make and follow through on. If its reception is negative then that will be the decision point as to whether we try to improve and go for a second issue. If the will to do it isn’t there then we have lost nothing by trying.

Nothing above is directed at anybody in a negative way, I’m just trying to answer points raised. Sorry if it comes across otherwise anywhere.

Speaking of which, no money changing hands anywhere, absolutely, this is one of the prime reasons for .PDF as there are negligible costs and it can still be used on phones, tablets etc.

I think we should just have a go at it, see what we come up with and try and enjoy the whole thing, nothing ventured nothing gained (I am going to run out of clichés soon). Quite a few people have posted that they would like to help in different ways and that’s brilliant, and there’s good experience to draw on as well, so unless there are any objections I will press forward and start to contact a few people and begin to get things organised.

If I’ve missed anything please shout up.
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2013, 03:15:53 PM »
I agree with Beck. Putting out a PDF only magazine is pretty much like putting up a summary of the website content. Sites like Lulu, etc. allow you to provide a print version and nobody makes money except for Lulu if you want. Buyer pays for shipping, etc. It's not cheap for the buyer, but at least it is an option. Usually they allow a free PDF version (or they have in the past). Not that I'm against a PDF, but a lot of people like actual magazines, particularly art magazines. I know I don't particularly care for PDF magazines and tend to just browse through quickly and then delete from my tablet. I still flip through old printed magazines. Also, seems kind of against some natural rule to put out a magazine on analog photography in only a digital format. But whatever you guys want.

Agree that it will be lots of work for someone. I probably won't like whatever design someone comes up with, so I will just keep my mouth shut about that part! But I don't mind submitting the ocassional article. I think that longevity will be the biggest question...first issue, great; second issue maybe takes a little longer; third issue? Long-term commitment to what is basically a free product produced for fun is understandably difficult as people are busy in real life. I will try to go with the flow whatever is decided...not going to start making waves before it is even off the ground.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 03:18:25 PM by moominsean »
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2013, 03:21:31 PM »
I'm up for this, if tasteful nudes are acceptable content (that's all I do these days).

Ideas for general content (each issue):

My favourite used camera for £50/€60/$80
My most obscure camera
My oldest camera which is still in use
My 10 best snaps
New film profile
New camera profile (Kickstarter type of thing - not the latest Canon/Nikon)
Alternative processes
Darkroom tips for beginners
Darkroom masterclass
(Famous) photographer profile and possibly interview
Best photography website I've come across recently is...

I started off with 'my stuff' in the hope that a few people on here will write about something they are passionate about and know well. That would save on research time and I hope, produce content quite rapidly, on a range of topics.

Another suggestion is to theme each issue. So rather than people sending in their latest holiday snaps shot on Velvia on a sunny day, people can either trawl through their files or shoot something new with the chance of publication. Themes could be landscapes, the urban environment, portraits, street photography, MF & LF, toys and miniature formats, extending perhaps to concepts such as form, space, separation, decay. At a rate of 2 mags a year, that's the rest of the decade sorted out.

Hope this helps and good luck with the idea.
Nudes make the world go round


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2013, 03:44:37 PM »
I agree with Beck. Putting out a PDF only magazine is pretty much like putting up a summary of the website content. Sites like Lulu, etc. allow you to provide a print version and nobody makes money except for Lulu if you want. Buyer pays for shipping, etc. It's not cheap for the buyer, but at least it is an option. Usually they allow a free PDF version (or they have in the past). Not that I'm against a PDF, but a lot of people like actual magazines, particularly art magazines. I know I don't particularly care for PDF magazines and tend to just browse through quickly and then delete from my tablet. I still flip through old printed magazines. Also, seems kind of against some natural rule to put out a magazine on analog photography in only a digital format. But whatever you guys want.

Agree that it will be lots of work for someone. I probably won't like whatever design someone comes up with, so I will just keep my mouth shut about that part! But I don't mind submitting the ocassional article. I think that longevity will be the biggest question...first issue, great; second issue maybe takes a little longer; third issue? Long-term commitment to what is basically a free product produced for fun is understandably difficult as people are busy in real life. I will try to go with the flow whatever is decided...not going to start making waves before it is even off the ground.

If somebody wants a printed version then they can upload and print it (but can't sell it), the CC license allows that, or we could probably make it available from somewhere on-line with no mark up, there are lots of options and nothing is actually finalised.

On the subject of longevity, it is certainly an issue. I did three years of unpaid football program editing and layout, going to print up to three times a week, so I know what's involved commitment wise, but also know that after three years I was VERY grateful when I could step down for somebody else to take over.
Last Updated: 21/11/2014
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2013, 04:05:34 PM »
I'm up for this, if tasteful nudes are acceptable content (that's all I do these days).

Ideas for general content (each issue):

My favourite used camera for £50/€60/$80
My most obscure camera
My oldest camera which is still in use
My 10 best snaps
New film profile
New camera profile (Kickstarter type of thing - not the latest Canon/Nikon)
Alternative processes
Darkroom tips for beginners
Darkroom masterclass
(Famous) photographer profile and possibly interview
Best photography website I've come across recently is...

I started off with 'my stuff' in the hope that a few people on here will write about something they are passionate about and know well. That would save on research time and I hope, produce content quite rapidly, on a range of topics.

Another suggestion is to theme each issue. So rather than people sending in their latest holiday snaps shot on Velvia on a sunny day, people can either trawl through their files or shoot something new with the chance of publication. Themes could be landscapes, the urban environment, portraits, street photography, MF & LF, toys and miniature formats, extending perhaps to concepts such as form, space, separation, decay. At a rate of 2 mags a year, that's the rest of the decade sorted out.

Hope this helps and good luck with the idea.

Thanks, good ideas. Copied, pasted, saved :)
Last Updated: 21/11/2014
Instagrrrrrrrram & Flickr: verian67
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2013, 04:29:02 PM »
I know I'd really like it if it were hosted by a place that does the on demand printing. It would be cheaper than having it printed at Staples.

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2013, 04:34:41 PM »
I would be interested if the magazine had some branding identity. Working in graphic design I really see how a nicely designed and presented publication can have credibility based off it's design.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #41 on: October 24, 2013, 04:44:53 PM »
I know I'd really like it if it were hosted by a place that does the on demand printing. It would be cheaper than having it printed at Staples.

This is a possibility. Any suggestions for a good quality, value for money site most welcome.
Last Updated: 21/11/2014
Instagrrrrrrrram & Flickr: verian67
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #42 on: October 24, 2013, 04:46:43 PM »
I would be interested if the magazine had some branding identity. Working in graphic design I really see how a nicely designed and presented publication can have credibility based off it's design.

The whole thing will be done in Comic Sans, it'll look fantastic!

No? OK, we'll try and make it look good for sure, any input/assistance you might be able to give would be most welcome.
Last Updated: 21/11/2014
Instagrrrrrrrram & Flickr: verian67
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2013, 05:03:57 PM »
i have been spying this since kick off and
I kind of agree with the points Becky raised.

My first impression on the idea was - why?

everything which could potentially be published in the magazine
could potentially be found >here< on FW by creating another
tab - Magazine.

everyone who wants to could print and share it as they wish
to promote film wasting

the "what did you shoot this weekend" book was a big success
the results were fantastic but it took IMO vast amounts of
effort/co-ordinating and time to get launched.

my thoughts FWIW



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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #44 on: October 24, 2013, 05:11:59 PM »
free PDF and able to get it printed somewhere decent? I like this combo :)

Some of us need a goal to finish projects, or even start them
sad, true, funny and I can recognize my own behaviour in it.


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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2013, 05:38:45 PM »
The whole thing will be done in Comic Sans, it'll look fantastic!




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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #46 on: October 24, 2013, 05:50:10 PM »
everything which could potentially be published in the magazine
could potentially be found >here< on FW by creating another
tab - Magazine.

Righto. I'm finding it a little confusing too as to why the Filmwasters brand rather than your own? Partly because I think that stickler is lodged inside my brain. I never want to run the risk of upsetting the owners or knowing they secretly cringed at a layout or content or my glossy nudes and so on. And getting approval from each Sensei for everything is a bit of a turn off for me. No offense. I am all for that Magazine Tab as suggested and lean my vote towards that instead. Sorry. But will the FW owners want to take on that task? I'd like to think so. Blur Magazine is a nice example of that tab mentioned and the site itself has a nice taste to it. I'd rather see that tab and new ideas and old features be brought back to life here on FW on a monthly basis as before, when the opportunity and tools are already present. I know I have been absent for some time by no fault but my own for various reasons, but things look good in the forecast for myself and want to indulge once again. I finally got my scanner working again and it gave me a spark to want to shoot again. I think.
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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2013, 06:13:16 PM »
A magazine would certainly be interesting. But I am a "do it for real or don't do it at all" kind of guy. If an attractive, quality product can be done in an organized, timely manner, I say try it at least once. Nothing is really lost except for the time put into it, which is given voluntarily.
"A world without Polaroid is a terrible place."
                                                                  - John Waters

Urban Hafner

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2013, 06:19:32 PM »
So it boils down to: Should it be a Filmwasters branded project or not? The advantage is that you instantly have a big pool of people you could tap into for content (or at least better than just being a completely new magazine). The downside is that it could potentially generate a lot of bad blood. And if it peters of? I don't really see a problem in that.

As far as the extra "Magazine" forum goes: Well there's the "Articles" and "Photo Essays" forums already and they don't see that much use. A magazine might actually get people off their butts (with the deadlines and the potentially higher "standards") to actually write something or finish their project. At least that's how it would work on me.

Urban Hafner

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Re: Filmwasters – The Magazine!
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2013, 06:21:13 PM »
And I agree: It would be great if we could get physical copies. I don't really like reading PDFs on the web. After all that's what website are for (and they do a much better job). Obviously print on demand is more expensive than getting X copies printed at once, but they avoid the whole money issue.