Does anyone have tips on not getting hard edges or yellow stains (besides practice, practice, practice )
I have a handful of negatives that I think can benefit from this much more than dodging, but talk about a paper waster!
Bleach and paper types are critical for stains - which bleach are you using?
I'm guessing you are talking about slective bleaching reather than a general lift of the whole print?
Having a very weak bleach dilution is crucial for selective application. It is better to build up slowly than to go too far too fast.
I have a flat surface (thin plastic laminated chopping board) that I 'stick' the squeegeed wet print onto and have this angled on the edge of the Darkroom sink. I have a hose with running water constantly flowing onto the print. I direct the water flow just below the area I am bleaching with my left hand (to wash away drips), and apply the bleach with a brush using my right hand. Every second or so, I flush the bleached area with the water, then apply again.
It is a palava, but worth the effort