Author Topic: Your favorite BW film?  (Read 14352 times)


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Your favorite BW film?
« on: June 05, 2012, 01:26:45 PM »
This started as a topic on flickr but I think it'd be interesting to see what people like to use here too. I'll start with my top 3:

Ilford pan f+

Here shot with a Lubitel 166U

A bit expensive but since it's so low iso it ages well and you shouldn't be afraid of snapping some up if you find some expired rolls.

I've seen it mostly used for portraiture and it can be hard to get the amount of light you need with toycameras like the holga or diana. It can be a challange. But when you push yourself you can get some fantastic results!

Works good with the onboard holga flash I'd say

Foma Fomapan 200 "Creative"

Here shot with an old box camera that I flipped the lens on.

All round good film -and pretty cheap too!
I've heard friends complain that their holga shots look too much well exposed even! It has just got a wide range and I think that is really good for experimenting with new cameras and mods.

Fuji Neopan Acros 100, or as I call it just: Acros

Here shot with a folding 6x9 camera modified to pinhole (I call it the À la Lynch!)

Looking to try long exposures in black and white? Acros is your friend~
Before I would think a higher speed film like Ilford HP5 would be better for long exposures, hugely mistaken. I quote:
"Ilford HP5+, start compensating from 1/2 second; at 5 seconds, it's already more than 1 stop. Delta 100, same story."
And Acros? "No correction below 120 seconds, +1/2 stop between 120 and 1000 seconds."
Going into second long exposures and beyond Acros is more capable of gathering more light, perfect for pinhole for example!

Well, that's from me. Different films for different situations you could say. But often I just have one kind of film and make that work there and then. :P

Now how about you? :)


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 03:15:32 PM »
It used to be Neopan 1600.   :'(

Now, it's Tri-X 400.

I also like Neopan 100 Acros.

Reasons:  great shadow detail, nicely blown highlights, beautiful grain, edgy sharpness and contrast

use Rodinal at boxspeed, Tmax developer when pushing
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 04:52:30 PM by hookstrapped »

charles binns

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 03:21:26 PM »
Pan F is probably my favourite - works well in a Holga only when there's alot of sunshine.  Fave 400 film is Tri X, and I have to admit I also like Shanghai GP3 alot too.

A while back I got hold of 40 rolls of Orwo b&w film on Ebay for just over £40.  Curly as hell but a great film - gave some lovely tones.

Least favourite? Ilford Delta 100.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 04:05:37 PM »
my favourite black and white is whatever i can get for the cheapest.

If i had to pick one id pick Agfa Silvertone 400 when it was still around. I ate that stuff up. Cheap, fine grain, delicious film.

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 04:09:49 PM »
A shortlist of three would have to be Acros, Pan F+, and Neopan 400, especially in 120 though not in any particular order since they are all so different.  Gutted that Neopan 400 is no longer available for my 6x6s.

Pan F


Neopan 400


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2012, 04:42:56 PM »
Lots of good recommendations here, but not a lot of reasons why ...  ???

Against the grain (  8) ), My faves are FP4+ and HP5+ and here are my reasons:

FP4+ gives the perfect balance between fine grain and sharpness.  None of this grain free smoothness, but a biting sharp-edge.  It works great in tan&stain developers, particular with the compensatory effect and retains wonderful gradation throughout the tonal range. It is my fave medium format landscape film.

castle by LeonTaylor27, on Flickr

Embleton 6 by LeonTaylor27, on Flickr

HP5+ for it's wonderfully rich shadow separation, spectacular sharp grain, and excellent tonal stretching in N+ development. It stains beautifully in catechol.  It seems happiest slightly over exposed and underdeveloped. I use it all the time in the holga, no matter the quality of the light, and am leaning towards making it my only Large Format film.

Mushroom 2011 3 by LeonTaylor27, on Flickr

Black tulip 5 by LeonTaylor27, on Flickr

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2012, 06:33:49 PM »
I've tried loads and, to be honest, I like most of them in one way or another.

However, my favourite is Tri-X 400. It's such a great all rounder; beautiful grain, resolves lovely shadow detail, tones are lovely and it seems very forgiving of over exposure.

I managed to score a couple of rolls of Neopan 400 in 120, so I should really make the most out of them as I doubt I'll be getting any more soon....... :'(
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 06:44:12 PM by Late Developer »
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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2012, 07:46:42 PM »
I've tried most easy-to-purchase BW film in US, and like them all in one way or other also.   So my fridge is full of varying films.

On the other hand, I never really felt attached to anything other than TRI-X.   Kind of strange, since I started shooting/developing BW with Neopan 400 and 1600....

Nick Moys

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2012, 08:52:24 PM »
My top five below (in no particular order).  Zingy grain, smooth tonality, high/low contrast - isn't it wonderful to have all these choices.

1) TMax 400 (so reliable, particularly in unpredictable English weather and light)

rain approaching by Nick Moys, on Flickr

2) FP4 (Leon has already said it)

southwold harbour by Nick Moys, on Flickr

3) TMax 100 (for smooth creaminess).

blakeney by Nick Moys, on Flickr

4) Tri-X (for a more traditional look)

wolterton hall by Nick Moys, on Flickr

5) Acros (subtle tones, and no need to worry about reciprocity tables)

church pews by Nick Moys, on Flickr


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2012, 08:54:49 PM »
Polypan-f. Cheap and versatile @ 100. Great in Rodinal. Did I say cheap? But only in 35mm.

For medium format I'd go for Hp5 or Pan-f - because I like it.

5x7 - Shanghai film - because that's what I can afford!

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2012, 09:25:17 PM »
There are really only 3 B&W films I use.  I've tried a bunch and here's what I like :)

#1 - Tri-x or HP5+

I use either of these interchangeably because I find them to be pretty similar so I go with whatever is cheapest when I need some, but If price wasn't an object I'd probably stick with HP5+.  I love the grain, I love how versatile it is and I love the low contrast so I can do whatever I want with it in the darkroom or scans. 

#2 - Fuji Neopan Acros 100

Sharp and beautiful with subtle smooth grain.  A great daytime medium speed film and its real strength is in pinholes and night photography.  As jojonas detailed, the ability to shoot in almost no light or with a pinhole without having to bust out a chart and do math to find exposure is a real pleasure.

#3 - Kodak Tmax P3200 or Ilford Delta 3200

I tend to like the kodak better, it seems like the grain is less clumpy maybe?  Hard to put my finger on it but I tend to get more pleasing results with the Kodak high speed.  If you're going to drag your film camera into a dark bar or a music show or an evening party without blasting flash everywhere this film is your best friend.  I love the look of it with its super big grain and compressed tonal scale.  Its really unique and irreplaceable.  Nothing can do what these films do.  I've tried pushing tri-x and other faster films but none look this good at 3200.  Some of my favorite pictures are with this film.  One thing to keep in mind though is that this stuff can be difficult to print traditionally, its very low contrast so prints tend to lack punch and end up kind of muddy and gray, that said I have gotten some great prints out of it.  But scanning this stuff is great and easy.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2012, 10:40:25 PM »
I'm wondering if anyone ever tried Agfa Scala while it was still around? I heard it was fantastic.

But right now, I too am a fan of anything I can get my hands on for cheap.

I too have a sweet spot for good old tri-x. What I particularly like about it is that it can be pushed around and always gives something back. Grain is not too clean, something I like. I feel it gives images some raw power that other 400 ISO films like T-max just can't do.

Lately, I've been using some HP5 from an unknown time. I still have a few rolls of it but the base fog is forcing me to print almost everything at grade 5. I just recently discovered how to make it sing... we'll have to see what I can do with non expired film.

Now, I have plenty of films under the 100 ISO bar so I guess I'll be doing some finer grain stuff this summer.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 10:36:49 AM »
That's a bit like asking which one of my kids I like best...

Here's a list.
I love all the Adox/Efke emulsions they have the classic old thin cubic emulsion look, not the most forgiving films exposure wise; some say production quality varies (I've not seen this personally but trust those who state this).

CHS 100 Art in Rodinal
It just has a look I like, can't explain.

I also like the old style look I got from the now defunct Fortepan 100 which in Rodinal gave a very nice result.

Fortepan 100 in Rodinal 1:50

For the longest time the Agfa APX range was wonderful and main film stock of choice:

Agfa APX 100 in Rodinal
I still have quite a bit of APX when it runs out an era will have passed for me.

Looking to the future I like HP5 and Tri-x for their traditional look and TMax 400 for a smoother look.

TMax 400 in Rodinal

I'm also a big fan of Delta 3200 which gives more defined grain than the Kodak equivalent and has the bonus of being available in 120.

Is there anything I forgot? Acros (like) For me film is like Pokemon cards for kids-Gotta get them all!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 10:42:12 AM by Photo_Utopia »
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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2012, 11:42:57 AM »
I also like the old style look I got from the now defunct Fortepan 100 which in Rodinal gave a very nice result.

Fortepan 100 in Rodinal 1:50

god I miss that film!


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2012, 12:18:29 PM »
I have a couple of rolls of the Fortepan 400 if you want them?
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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2012, 01:29:19 PM »
for me:

Agfa APX 100 in Rodinal (fortunately i have enough boxes of 13x18 in the freezer :-)

and T-Max 400 (120 + 4x5)

@ Francois
I will try some Scala in 4x5 in the near future. Found some boxes for 1€/box.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2012, 02:46:51 PM »
@ Francois
I will try some Scala in 4x5 in the near future. Found some boxes for 1€/box.
The thing with Scala is that it needed a special processing to get the best results. I call it the Kodachrome of B&W...

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2012, 04:07:58 PM »
i know, but there are still some labs here who can develop Scala.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2012, 08:42:35 PM »
I have a couple of rolls of the Fortepan 400 if you want them?

400? I'd be excited to try it out~

I'll send you a PM


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2012, 09:34:30 PM »
I just got a couple rolls of apx100 and i have an apx25 kicking around. Cant wait to try them.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2012, 03:30:22 PM »
For me, it's Neopan 1600 for sure - I'm not experienced enough with b/w film to give any good reasons I like it over other films, just that I haven't found a high-ISO b/w film that looks as good to me. I'm brokenhearted that it's gone, but I managed to get a small stash that I'm saving for special occasions.

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2012, 06:32:17 PM »
For available dark my choice used to be Neopan1600, but now that it's gone I'm experimenting with others to take it's place.  No winners just yet.

For 'normal' light I like Tri-X best (indoors pushed to 800 and outdoors pulled to 250).  I lack the vocabulary to say why, except that I like the traditional grain better than the smoother T-grain films, and the images that I like best from my collection are mostly made with Tri-X.  (I have a bunch of HP5 that I need to use but I don't like it nearly as much for some reason.)

For bright conditions I like Plus-X best, but I have some FP4 that I have been using lately too and it's just as nice I think.  I'm quite happy using either.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2012, 07:30:34 PM »
Fuji Across and HP5 are my favs.

The Acros is wonderful in pinhole and the HP5 is my all around favorite for just about everything else.

I also like Tri-x when I want more grit.



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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2012, 08:11:03 PM »
I have a love/hate relationsship with RPX400/kentmere 400 in 120. With the RPX-D developer I get simply perfect negs, exposure and tonal wise. Just the way I want them. However. Out the five rolls I shot, three of them were covered in a metallic green sticky goo that I couldn't wash off. So I haven't dared to get more. Even though it was a perfect 400-6400 iso film.

I shot a lot of Acros in 120. Great stuff.

Then again. Change of developer, season or mood makes me need and favor different film.

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2013, 01:19:08 AM »
Pentax 67II
SMC 75mm F/2.8

TriX 400 + HC-110
Epson V600
All shots handheld

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2013, 08:59:10 AM »
So far I like Kodak Tmax 400 the most, but it's quite expensive where I live - $6,8.
I like Fomapan 200 a lot and I get it for $4,8 so 2$ cheaper than TMY.
The first image is taken with TMY and the second with Fomapan.

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2013, 04:57:17 PM »
I haven't used too many different films yet.

For Architecture I like the Adox CMS20. It has no visible grain, very high resolution, high contrast. However, it is very slow (and you should use it with the Adox developer).
For landscapes and pinholes I like the Tmax100 and the Ilford delta for their tonality.
I had some problems with the Rollei 80S. It has a high contrast and when you use it for landscapes the sky is often completely blown out. Probably it works with a orange or red filter (or when you use it as an infra red film).


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2013, 03:30:09 AM »
Can I switch? I've really been loving Tri-X, Plus-X and Tmax lately. Fresh stock is amazingly great to have. I do have a stray roll of double X that I cant wait to take for a spin but as of lately I'm be a pretty big Kodak fanboy.


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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2013, 06:40:05 AM »
I hope it is ok to point to a different podcast:
Ep 148 :: Black and White Film

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Re: Your favorite BW film?
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2013, 08:33:20 AM »
Fourteen months on from my initial post on this thread and I still love Tri-X. However, I'm becoming increasing re-attached to Ilford films. Notr just because they're British and made in my home county of Cheshire  ;) but because they're so damned good.

I'm sure it's not unique in this respect but take XP2 Super as an example. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm shooting it with the benefit of a good light meter or "guessing" using sunny 16, it always seems to give me something usable. Also, as I'm only just getting back into developing my own, I can at least get "guaranteed" results quickly from a High Street lab as it's C41 processable.

Once I'm back in the swing of developing my own, I think I'll probably end up shooting HP5+ and FP4+ almost exclusively (at least for mono).
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