Author Topic: The Contraption 15: Origami Film Type Reminder  (Read 4416 times)


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The Contraption 15: Origami Film Type Reminder
« on: April 10, 2012, 09:11:59 PM »
How many times have you wondered what type of film was in a certain camera?
You know, the one that has some mystery film in it that's been there for so long you simply can't remember?
Well, I too had this problem a long time ago. Especially with the older cameras that don't have a meter, even less DX coding or a film cassette window. So, while playing with scissors to shorten a film box so it would fit better in the freezer, I came up with this idea. It's so simple it's scary. It's so easy to do that anyone who can use a pair of scissors can do it!

Perfect for those half frame cameras that you had the bright idea to load with a 36 exposure roll!
Perfect for the cameras you don't use often.
And as a bonus, you always carry with you the film's expiration date so you can re-adjust the sensitivity to compensate.
And best of all, it's totally FREE!
No shipping charges, no wasting, simple to use. What can be better?
So, here is the how-to for the
Origami Film Type Reminder
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 11:09:27 PM by Francois »

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


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Re: The Contraption 15: Origami Film Type Reminder
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 09:35:46 PM »
that's very clever!

I usually try to cut one of the film box end flaps off and then fold it over so it will fit in the hot shoe, or tape it to the back of the camera if it doesn't have one.


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 15: Origami Film Type Reminder
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 11:10:59 AM »
both good tips! :)

mostly I get my rolls without boxes or I feed them into canisters myself, so I write on bits of cardboard and stick to the camera (those rare times that I remember to do this, I mean ;D )