Hello filmwasters!
My name is John, Korean-NZer who currently lives in Australia.
Been taking film photos since young... but got real interest when I was at uni.
It was kinda strange at the first time because people began to abandon their film and got digital cams.
But I do love to bang on shot with film and got a couple of film cameras as well as Fuji instax mini lol
Would love to share infos and discuss about film things (especially DIY - I love it!)
Would like to start my DIY with Fuji Instax mini film back for Rolleiflex SL66 but I guess my camera needs some repair & overhaul... Just dropped on a carpet floor yesterday and focusing rack broken (managed to glue the broken bit... but it is prone to break soon)
Once I get all the measurements and preparation done, will start the project ASAP!
(Please anyone let me know if there's the same project has been taken place... I've seen some Holga & Lomo LC-A backs for Instax mini but haven't seen any for 'proper' medium format cameras...)
No one might interested... here's my self portrait shot (face covered!0
http://www.filmwasters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3299.150and my first semi-stand develop result (thanks to Windy)