Author Topic: I wish someone told me  (Read 1919 times)

Jack Johnson

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I wish someone told me
« on: July 31, 2011, 05:13:24 AM »
Attributed to Ira Glass:

Let me just say, I hope the hell so.

I'm new to the forum (hi!), and probably daily I struggle with why I continue with photography, other than the love of the pastime. I don't know who I am as a photographer, I don't know what I want from it or where I'm headed, I haven't done anything I'm really proud of in like three years, and I certainly don't have anything thematic going on in my work.

Sometimes I work on certain aspects, sometimes I try to replicate certain aspects of other work I envy, but mostly I flounder. But I love it, I love seeing all your work, and here I am, hoping I won't be a total embarrassment to myself by 60.

In the interim, the lot o' you inspire me. Seriously. And I'll keep working on it, Ira, you bastard.

Jack Johnson

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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 05:42:32 AM »
I always like finding the original source. Audio transcript here:


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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 06:18:13 AM »
I guess it's ok that I still suck then? i'll just keep on shooting.



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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2011, 07:28:13 AM »
Hello and Welcome Jack!!! I think everybody is nervous to post here the first few times. I know I was. Still get nervous sometimes.  :-[ Just post away. Cant wait to see your work.

Jack Johnson

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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2011, 08:41:00 AM »
Thanks, Mojave!

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?

Something old is easy. I've been to San Francisco a couple of times on business, and love that city. In some ways it's a stereotypical California city and other than joggers and baristas it's like the whole thing is asleep until 8 AM. I'd get up at about 5:30 and hit the streets. Without fog, it's just blows me away.

This is with a Rollei 35S and Ilford XP2 Super. I bought it the week my daughter was born. I shot with a Nikon in college, put down the camera for maybe a decade or more, then stumbled across the little Rollei while getting prints of my newborn in a then-local shop. Now I've got about a dozen cameras, a mix of 35mm and MF, and if I could have only one camera it would be the Rollei.

Good Morning by knapjack, on Flickr

Something new? Crap. Who came up with this idea?

I posted this elsewhere already, but I picked up a Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim for free, and was surprised to find how much I liked it. I've amassed three or four 35mm plastic fantastic cameras as I try to figure out who I am as a photographer. I think the whole toy camera and selective focus event horizon is really about asking what makes a compelling image. I used to be a decent technician but my content always fell short, so for me plastic was a way to try to force myself into taking a new look.

I've never really shot with a lens as short as the UWS before, and I like how it can really give a sense of presence, almost voyeuristic sometimes. I know the camera is going to explode any second now, and it makes me want to hunt down a bunch of short glass for one of my other cameras.

Chicken Fan by knapjack, on Flickr

Something borrowed. Without posting digital, I suppose I'll cheat.

For Christmas I keep asking for a Holga. Two years ago my wife balked because shipping to Alaska was more than the camera. Last year she found she could get me a Holga lens with a Nikon mount pretty cheap and stuffed it in my stocking.

I was hoping it would be crappier.

Every time I shoot in color I usually think I should never shoot in color again, but for a standard family snapshot I think I got lucky. Thank you Kodak.

Summer Toes by knapjack, on Flickr

Something blue.

The Rollei again with my first roll of Ektar. I like how the Rollei forces you to slow down. Scale focus. You can barely trust the light meter. I second-guess everything and screw up half the time over-thinking the problem, so I'm always ecstatic when I get it right. This specific cheat is, "Something in the middle of the tank will be in focus, and the blacks will be black."

I still have no scanner of my own. The neg looks good, but the crappy lab scan thrashed the contrast a bit and I fiddled with it in Picasa to bring the blacks back down.

Jellies by knapjack, on Flickr


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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2011, 03:42:01 PM »
I still have no scanner of my own. The neg looks good, but the crappy lab scan thrashed the contrast a bit and I fiddled with it in Picasa to bring the blacks back down.
Welcome to the real world :)
These things happen all the time even when you do your own scans.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2011, 06:11:08 PM »
Fantastic images!!! I especially love the jelly fish. You can find new Epson 4490's on ebay for pretty cheap these days. I got mine for 125 new almost two years ago and now they go for new on ebay for less than 50 dollars. Great scanner. I havent had any issues with mine. Some reviews say they are loud and others said they break but I havent had a single problem with noise or mechanical breakdown with mine, and for the price, if it does break, I'll just get another off ebay.


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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 07:11:11 PM »
I'm pretty much on the same boat... I share your thoughts totally.

Great pictures !
Love the San Francisco shot... so this is how the "Shard" will look like ? Not that bad in the end... :D
Mauricio Sapata


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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2011, 11:57:14 PM »
Whenever I'm exhibiting my hand colored photos, I have people coming up to me saying they once bought a set of photo oils, tried them a couple of times but weren't any good so they never used them again. So many, in fact, tell me this that I am convinced that is how Marshalls makes most of their money.

It's just nuts. Would anyone ever say, 'I bought a piano and tried it a couple of times, but couldn't play Rhapsody in Blue, so I gave up.'??

Ed Wenn

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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2011, 12:48:29 AM »
Hi Jack. Thanks for taking time to sign up and join and thanks also for such a thoughtful introduction and some lovely images. If you want to feel better about yourself as a photographer and why it is that you do what you do, just read the works of the late great Bill Jay. The message is that if you don't do it because you love it, you'll never find peace.

I look forward to more of you in the future  :)

A hearty welcome to Filmwasters.

Ed Wenn

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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2011, 12:49:25 AM »
Would anyone ever say, 'I bought a piano and tried it a couple of times, but couldn't play Rhapsody in Blue, so I gave up.'??

A very good point, well made.

Jack Johnson

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Re: I wish someone told me
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 07:34:56 AM »
Thank you, everyone, for the welcome and the comments!