absolutely lovely! i'm also so jealous of your grey r3a! i was saving up for it and then the last one in stock sold
Ha! More on just that for me too here:
The Submarine. I love it too! Especially, as it does this with FujiPro 400 and its new Wai Wai 17mm:
OK. So what do we get? First of all, its def the full 17mm Wai Wai deal, we get a little vignette (for a toycam user), or a lot of vignette (for a regular cam users), some flaring, blurred edges, sharp(ish) center, and with FujiPro 400 some great latitude. Just about the same as the original Wai Wai.
The everything-from-50cm-to-infinity in focus is a neat trick, as is still having the mirror on the front for the classic Wai Wai self-portraits. A great experiment, and one recommended if you've got an old worn out Wai Wai laying about the house. See ya! Skj.