Author Topic: I need some encouragement!  (Read 16094 times)


  • Peel Apart
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I need some encouragement!
« on: January 26, 2007, 01:52:28 PM »
Last year some time I decided I should start processing my own films again - for reasons of economy as much as anything. I mentioned this to Leon, and the generous chap even went as far as to send me some of his homebrew developer to set me on my way. Well (and huge apologies to Leon are due here) those brown bottles, marked A and B, are still sitting in their bubble wrap beside my desk here at work. The thing is, I WANT to start developing my own film again, but I'm scared. I haven't loaded a roll of film onto a stainless steel spiral since leaving university in 1993, and as soon as I start contemplating all that timing, agitating, washing - DUST!!!! - it just sends me into a panic, and off I trot to film processor/printer extraordinaire, Robin Bell, yet again.

I know the answer is just to shoot some completely unimportant pictures and practise practise practise before attempting it with a 'proper' roll of film, and also to perfect loading the film with an unwanted roll in daylight first, but something fundamental is stopping me.

Basically, I'm hoping that by posting here I'll be shamed into at least attempting it. But any encouraging pointers would be very welcome.

I'll let you get on with your lives now...  ::)

Phil Bebbington

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2007, 02:05:15 PM »
I know just what you mean....I have always got my film developed and scanned commercially but due to cost I am going to start doing my own and scan them myself. I have just sat there practising the loading in the daylight of old film....still bricking it though to do it with a real roll that actually means something! OK so whilst we are outing's my story for which I expect to be shouted at for. Many years ago I used to print my own black and know on the bedroom floor with the windows blacked out and constant trips to the bathroom etc! Then I had the idea how cool would it be to convert the loft space in our house into a darkroom....and my wife bless her heart went along with it. So at great expense.....I'd like to add here we are not wealthy! Builders converted loft installed.....kitted out with all the equipment needed. That was over 10 years ago...I have never used it. ??? There I've said it, now I will go and kill myself. :'(


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2007, 02:19:09 PM »
OK so whilst we are outing's my story for which I expect to be shouted at for. Many years ago I used to print my own black and know on the bedroom floor with the windows blacked out and constant trips to the bathroom etc! Then I had the idea how cool would it be to convert the loft space in our house into a darkroom....and my wife bless her heart went along with it. So at great expense.....I'd like to add here we are not wealthy! Builders converted loft installed.....kitted out with all the equipment needed. That was over 10 years ago...I have never used it. ??? There I've said it, now I will go and kill myself. :'(

OH. MY. GOD!!!!!

You are far, FAR worse than me! Thank you - I feel a lot better about myself now!  ;)

Phil Bebbington

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 02:37:03 PM »
OH. MY. GOD!!!!! You are far, FAR worse than me! Thank you - I feel a lot better about myself now!  ;)

I know, I know...until I typed it I hadn't realised the enormity of my actions...or lack of them! :'(


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 03:27:55 PM »
Just go for it. Dust seems to be an instant fav over on Altphoto site.
Have found that getting the film onto the reel is the least of my problems; I use Paterson reels and heat them with a hairdryer so the film goes on easily. I also soak the reels in bleach every so often - that seems to help keep them clean.
The windowless bathroom is used to print, setting up and breaking down every time. It's not ideal but it works. My prints are bearable but have just booked myself in to Andrew Sanderson for a day in the darkroom for tuition and getting myself up to standard.
Anyway, Ailsa, go ahead and get developing those Hincapi pictures; Once started it's easy  and I am awaiting to see them.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2007, 03:36:17 PM »
You guys are too hard on yourselves  ;)

The 'Just Do It' motto rings true.  Sure, at first it's frustrating and nerve-racking, but like you said, using a roll you don't care so much about isn't so bad.  At first or after a lay-off, it can be tough to get a reel loaded, but I have learned to relax and not worry about fogging and scratching etc. and just take my time even if it seems like it's taking too long.  Gosh, I was petrified the first time I loaded up a 4x5 flim holder.  Now I load up two exposed holders at once in a changing bag on my lap with ease. 

One way to 'use' a darkroom is to put all things photographic in there.  Some may frown on this, but my cameras and all my work as well as my books are all in my little darkroom.  I built my darkroom in a corner of my garage our of the remnants of a 30 year old mobile home (called a 'trailer' here in the South).  The wood studs and door came from the mobile home, the old sink and enlarger were my dad's and the working surfaces are two large folding tables.  I put a small wall-unit air conditioner in there, did all the waste plumbing myself and had my dad help with connecting the hot and cold water.  I love it in there!

Best of luck!


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2007, 04:07:10 PM »
Basically, I'm hoping that by posting here I'll be shamed into at least attempting it.

Boo, Hiss, poor show, boo, rhubarb, rhubarb, boo, tsk tsk, not good enough, boo etc.

now - is that shame enough, or do you want some more? ;)



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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2007, 05:07:26 PM »
Ailsa,     Just jump in with both feet,  im sure its like riding a bike (im no expert on either though)

But im sure when you have got over that initial hurdle  it will be like 1993 all over again (except without bittie maclean & the spin doctors)

do it!   also leons special homebrew is amazing, and also quite nice with tonic (although best not try that one....) 

edit -how could i forgert everyones favourite band from 1993......our very own filmwasters.....chocolate
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 05:13:21 PM by This-is-damion »


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2007, 05:17:37 PM »
I'm not going to bother trying shame - from past experience re the APUG UK Gatherings (another one coming up in April BTW!) I know you to be thoroughly shameless!  ;)

So here are a few exceptionally unoriginal suggestions -

1) Take a new roll of cheap (free is better!) film, open it unused and try loading it on the reel first in daylight, then in daylight with your eyes shut, then in the changing bag / darkroom. Repeat as necessary and keep the roll for the future. (Yes, I know you mentioned this - told you I was unoriginal!)

2) Stop worrying about dust. You can either blow it off the film with a hurricane blower or (if it's stuck on) resoak the film in lukewarm wetting agent 1:200.

3) If you live in a hard water area, filter all your processing and washing water through something like a Britta jug filter. It stops calcium carbonate deposits in their tracks!

4) Make use of Les's suggestion of taking a camera for a walk (single prime lens) and taking a shot every twenty-five paces. Use that as your first "live fire" roll. (Yes, I know you sort of mentioned this too - told you I was exceptionally unoriginal!)

5) Tell everyone at work that you're going to do it THIS WEEKEND and will bring the negs in to prove it on Monday... ...and that if you don't you'll buy everyone a drink on each evening until you do! (Shame might not work, but you are Scottish after all! :P )

6) If you have a Palm OS PDA then get hold of a copy of FotoTimer (free). It makes process timing a breeze. There may be equivalents for Windoze palmtops.

7) Instruct Robin that in future he's to tell you to bugger off and do your own no matter how much you beg, plead, weep, threaten, cajole, bribe, etc!

The anticipation is vastly worse than the actuality. Get it done!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 05:50:56 PM by FrankB »

dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2007, 07:10:14 PM »
Ailsa, the longest journey starts with one small step. Start walking, and enjoy the experience.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2007, 10:51:08 PM »
Good tips.
Practice in daylight
Read the processing instructions before diluting and using chemicals.
Pre-soak the film for a few minutes to minimize problems. Once you see the anti-halation layer go down the drain, you know things will go well.
When drying, run the shower in the bathroom for a few minutes before you hand your film to dry. It will settle all the dust and you shouldn't have any problems.
For dust in the enlarger, clean it well and put a plastic bag over it (tied at the column). I use a reusable zippered business suit bag. When done printing, it goes over the enlarger's head and gets zipped up. This keeps dust to a minimum.
I do my agitation like told in the school of Tai Chi (agitate in round circles... it can also be relaxing  :D)

And now, for words of wisdom:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

Not mine but pretty good :)

Film is the vinyl record of photography.

Susan B.

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Yey Ailsa!
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2007, 10:53:22 PM »

You have some of Leon's special homebrew magic and you've not used it?!!!!   booo-hisss  :o

(have I guilted you sufficiently?)  ;)

Dust....can't avoid it.
A simple trick to avoid a large amount would be -- if you are hanging your film in the shower/bath to dry, just turn on the water in the shower on super hot for several minutes before hanging. That way the dust in the room falls from the humidity, rather than floats onto your film. But if you have a drying cabinet, skip that suggestion.

I save so much money and get far better results by developing myself...thanks to guru Leon's international mentorship program.

I only use Patterson reels. I've tried them all, but they never grip the film as well as patterson.

Just practice on some junky unused 120 in the light, then in a bag or in the dark. It's like riding a bike and you don't even need training wheels!

Let me know how you get on with it---eager to hear!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 10:55:00 PM by Susan B. »


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2007, 11:16:38 PM »
One final thought - I'm assuming that Leon gave you some directions to go with his homebrew? Follow 'em.

Much as it pains me to admit it, the rock-hugging druid knows his stuff!  ::)

david b

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2007, 10:13:01 AM »
I remember being similarly daunted by this back in the day - but as others have said, once you get going it's really straightforward (and, in fact, a bit tedious!).

I will suggest having a sheet of A4 on hand with the measurements, timings, and procedure listed - just in case you get that sudden "am I doing the right thing?" feeling. And a good easy-to-read timer is a must. And a few good CDs to stave off the tedium...

dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2007, 10:37:19 AM »
Just thinking aloud here you understand Ailsa. ;)
 Would it help if we all agree to cancel our subscriptions to B&W if you don't develop a film by the end of February? :o


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2007, 10:45:36 AM »
Good Call Mr Miller. I'd pretend to do that .


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2007, 10:54:16 AM »
You know sometimes, Dave, you have moments of pure genius. Not often, obviously (in fact this is the first one I think I've encountered), but they are obviously worth waiting for! ;D

I'm in. One cancellation email prepped and my cursor hovering over the Send button!  8)

Get processing, McWhinnie!  ;)


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2007, 12:54:40 AM »
Ailsa, the longest journey starts with one small step.

This is good advice. While it has been years since I was in a darkroom myself, I often get the same feeling about taking photographs in general. Lack of motivation, disappointment in my last great idea's failure, usual human emotions. Then... I can say, 'What the heck, let's go out waste some film...'

I get up off my skinny bum, and get out there. Often with one or two good friends to make the occasion.

So, just make a small step in the right direction, then another... You know you want to. Imagine what awaits you. Satisfaction, mixed perhaps with a little dust.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2007, 05:44:05 AM »
Don't panic.
Just get back to it.  You'll probably wonder why you stopped and kick yourself for the delay.

This is like deciding to bake an Itailian Cream Cake from scratch.  It's a lot of work, and you can buy one from the bakery....
but the one you make is far better because YOU made it.

Actually it's nothing like baking an Italian Cream Cake, but the end reward is still way up there.

Get going!


dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2007, 03:54:13 PM »
Mmmmm, Italian Cream Cake; sounds good. Does it have cheese in it?

susan Cunningham

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2007, 05:32:11 PM »
hey !!
This is "flimwasters" after all!! so don't be afraid to waste some film.  Make sure the step by step instructions are in front of your face and turn on some good music... very loud... dance during agitaiton!! make sure you spill alot so you get some cool stains on your jeans!!  My favorite part of processing my own film is when I can finally look at it.....water dripping down my arms, head tilted sideways.  Sometimes I get a good shot!!

I used to be very particular and followed the scientific method to the T... somewhere along the way I began to relax about it all.  Dust.......................aaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggh.... not seeing the dust on a print  until it's dry and the negs and chemistry  are all put away.... least favorite part.


susan Cunningham

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2007, 05:40:29 PM »
So at great expense.....I'd like to add here we are not wealthy! Builders converted loft installed.....kitted out with all the equipment needed. That was over 10 years ago...I have never used it. ??? There I've said it, now I will go and kill myself. :'(

Oh my god!!! I am --right now-- building that darkroom .... in my basement........will I use it???

Phil Bebbington

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2007, 06:45:10 PM »
I lose my job in 2 least I'll have no excuse then!


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2007, 08:32:44 PM »
There you go - 22 replies should have shamed you into it by now. There is nothing like developing your own film, as I'm sure you know, and if you have the magic of Mr Taylor - in bottle form - in your possession, there is NO EXCUSE. get on with it...



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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2007, 10:08:35 PM »
...and if you have the magic of Mr Taylor - in bottle form - in your possession, there is NO EXCUSE. get on with it...

If any phrase ever should be preserved for posterity...


« Last Edit: January 28, 2007, 10:12:54 PM by FrankB »


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2007, 10:10:31 PM »
Oh my god!!! I am --right now-- building that darkroom .... in my basement........will I use it???

My darkroom was in the basement and I used it. Best place on earth to put a darkroom.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2007, 08:45:17 PM »
As the Nike commercials say, Ailsa, just do it! All the advice that's been given is sound and practical and there's really nothing that I can add except that, unlike Ms. B, I'm a stainless steel kind of guy. ;) On the other hand, I've recommended Patterson reels and tanks to friends who've just gotten started or are coming back to doing their pown processing after a long absence. In any case, it's good to know how to do both, IMHO.
"I don't have pet peeves. I have major psychotic hatreds."
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more crappiness at and


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2007, 12:52:45 PM »
How extraordinarily rude of me to make such a heartfelt post, and then promptly disappear for four days while you kind folks offer such wholehearted encouragement! (Would it help if I said I was at a funeral on Monday, and then in Paris - as a guest of Panasonic (sorry but no, they weren't launching any film cameras) - until yesterday?)

Shame on me.  :-[

But how incredibly kind of you all just the same. I'm feeling suitably shamed and inspired by your responses and will heave myself off this lardy butt sometime in the very near future and get down to some serious agitating. It may have to wait until pay day, as I need to purchase one or two things to complete the line-up, but I'll keep you posted with my progress. What a truly lovely bunch you are.

And Frank and Dave, you b*st*rds, you cancel those subscriptions and I'll send Alice, our editorial assistant, round to your houses to sort you both out. And believe me, she can be scary. (She's about half the age of most of us in this office, but by far the most - how can I put it - strident!)


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2007, 01:22:02 PM »
Promise?! ;D

...and I'll be bumping this thread in a wee while, Ms McWhinnie. This one's coming back to haunt you!  ;)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 01:46:27 PM by FrankB »


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2007, 02:14:25 PM »
I'm feeling suitably shamed and inspired by your responses and will heave myself off this lardy butt sometime in the very near future and get down to some serious agitating.

I'M afraid "sometime in the near future" isnt really good enough - we want dates, times, figures ...... and then high res scans so we can assess your progress.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2007, 02:30:22 PM »
I'm feeling suitably shamed and inspired by your responses and will heave myself off this lardy butt sometime in the very near future and get down to some serious agitating.

I'M afraid "sometime in the near future" isnt really good enough - we want dates, times, figures ...... and then high res scans so we can assess your progress.

OK then. I promise (Girl Guide's honour) to have posted a neg scan from a 'practice' roll of film by midnight on Saturday 17th February.

You read it here first.

dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2007, 06:44:52 PM »
Keep Alice on a leash please, and get on with the developing; pens are poised in Middle England.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2007, 07:20:36 PM »
Well Frank, I know you're sat there waiting to bump this thread, countdown timer in hand, and cackling gleefully to yourself (you really should get out more, you know). Well... ner ner ner ner ner!!!  :P

I've started practising! Ta-daaaa...

But someone please tell me - how the hell do you cope with the sort of backing paper ringlet that Shirley Temple would have been proud of? I realised once I started faffing around with this, that I'd never loaded a roll of 120 onto a spiral before. 35mm is a hell of a lot easier! There must be an art to this that I'm just not aware of, otherwise people would be tearing and scratching their negs all the time.

Anyway, next step - a fumble in the changing tent. So to speak.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 07:43:36 PM by Ailsa »

dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2007, 08:29:04 PM »
Well, I suppose this is progress; of a sort. :-X Actually it's a good start, I shall put the cancellation on hold, but not for long mind - need to see developed negs. ;)

Dunno about them funny metal reels, you’re on your own there kid; ??? I only use Patterson reels on a Nova thingy that keeps the film lined up. Sorry about the technical term, :-[ that I’m trying to impress you with here. :)

« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 08:30:50 PM by dave miller »


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2007, 09:38:29 PM »
Ailsa, I find 120 much easier than 35mm. Hold the paper part between pointy and middle finger and slide it up to the top where film and paper are joined and then take hold of paper only and pull off. Watch out for static sparks in the dark when you peel the sticky bit off the film. And as you're a girl you'll proabably want to take the rings off before doing what I suggested.

This may or may not help with motivation when undertaking the most boring part of the photgraphic process - think in terms of numbers of photos developed rather than number of films. It makes me feel better anyway.
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." Louis Hector Berlioz


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2007, 08:43:26 AM »
Well Frank, I know you're sat there waiting to bump this thread, countdown timer in hand, and cackling gleefully to yourself (you really should get out more, you know).

You know me far too well, Ms McWhinnie!  :)

Well... ner ner ner ner ner!!!  :P

I've started practising! Ta-daaaa...

You mean you hadn't started practising before?!  :o

Sorry, couldn't resist it!  ;D

Seriously, good for you. A few dry runs to familiarise your fingers with the kit and the process and you'll be ready for your first roll. Don't fret, stay calm and it'll be fine.

But someone please tell me - how the hell do you cope with the sort of backing paper ringlet that Shirley Temple would have been proud of? I realised once I started faffing around with this, that I'd never loaded a roll of 120 onto a spiral before. 35mm is a hell of a lot easier! There must be an art to this that I'm just not aware of, otherwise people would be tearing and scratching their negs all the time.

Break the tag on the roll in daylight (makes it easier to find and won't fog if you keep it rolled tight, just don't drop it!) and then kill the lights and start to unroll the backing feeling inside for the end of the film. When you find it then take hold and start to separate it from the paper. In a darkroom, if you hold the film part around chest level and let the paper and reel drop away then gravity should do the rest (I tend to leave it on to weight the film as I load until I get to the end). In a changing bag you don't have that luxury so run finger and thumb gently down the film taking the paper away. When you get to the end, tear off the sticky strip and shove the paper, reel, etc. over to one side of the bag out of the way.

It is fiddly, pretty much everyone has trouble with it at first... ...but the alternative is cleaning dust off a CCD, and where's the fun in that?!

Anyway, next step - a fumble in the changing tent. So to speak.


Well, make sure you get on with some processing when you've finished!  :D

All Together - "On the goooooood ship..."
« Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 08:59:23 AM by FrankB »


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2007, 09:42:03 AM »
Two test rolls exposed this morning before work, and another waiting to be shot at lunch. These will be the first films I'll have processed since 1993! Just waiting on the Silverprint delivery (couldn't order before pay day) - where no doubt I'll realise I've forgotten something crucial...  ???

Nicole BM

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2007, 01:47:15 PM »
Congratulations Ailsa! I can't wait to see the results.  :)

david b

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2007, 02:43:24 PM »
Have you thought about an article on this topic?  There must be a lot of B&W readers in a similar position...


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2007, 06:22:45 PM »
Gosh, this thread is more exciting than The Archers!!


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #40 on: February 15, 2007, 05:45:36 AM »
But someone please tell me - how the hell do you cope with the sort of backing paper ringlet that Shirley Temple would have been proud of? I realised once I started faffing around with this, that I'd never loaded a roll of 120 onto a spiral before. 35mm is a hell of a lot easier! There must be an art to this that I'm just not aware of, otherwise people would be tearing and scratching their negs all the time.

Break the tag on the roll in daylight (makes it easier to find and won't fog if you keep it rolled tight, just don't drop it!) and then kill the lights and start to unroll the backing feeling inside for the end of the film. When you find it then take hold and start to separate it from the paper. In a darkroom, if you hold the film part around chest level and let the paper and reel drop away then gravity should do the rest (I tend to leave it on to weight the film as I load until I get to the end

Good for you. Once you've mastered steel, you'll never use plastic again.

I like what Frank suggests, except I usually stand over my darkroom bench so that when the reel falls it only drops a foot and rests on the bench. That stops the reel spinning madly and giving you those cursed paper ringlets which mess with your smooth loading rhythm.

dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2007, 06:42:20 PM »
Gosh, this thread is more exciting than The Archers!!

Everything is more exciting than The Archers.


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2007, 07:11:53 AM »
Tum-ti-dum-ti-dum-ti-dum, Tum-ti-dum-ti-daaa-dum (That's the theme to The Archers for anyone who isn't familiar with it...)


I think that's the first time I've ever come in ahead of a deadline in my life. Just ask my publisher.

It was amazing how quickly it all came back to me. Just like falling off a bike really. And I've done that a few times in my life, too.

I ended up buying myself a bottle of Rodinal, as it's a developer I was very familiar with in the past. I realised that I was a bit scared of tackling a two-bath dev this early on - but don't worry Leon, I will definitely graduate to your home brew in the near future!

I still have two other exposed rolls to practise with - I didn't want to brew all three in one go in case of cock-ups.

And just in case you cynics out there (no names - Frank) don't believe I actually did it - here's the proof. What you can't see in the first shot is the expression of sheer astonishment that there was actually something on those negs.

Thank you everyone for winding me up and letting me go! All advice and encouragement was very, very gratefully received. What a lovely bunch you are.  :-*

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2007, 07:44:19 AM »
excellent - well done.  Now doesnt that feel better?  And no worries about not using the other developer for now, it isnt any more difficult than the rodinal, it's really a one bath coming from two bottles.  But dont leave it too long - it's shelf life isnt supposed to be for more than 6 months .... although it should be fine

And, nice touch with the multi-coloured 70's draft/fly-excluder over the back door.  My Nan used to have one of them ....  :D


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2007, 09:12:25 AM »
And, nice touch with the multi-coloured 70's draft/fly-excluder over the back door.  My Nan used to have one of them ....  :D

It's good, innit? It's about the only remaining legacy from the previous owners. Fortunately the nicotine-stained walls, the chip-fat-spattered ceiling and the carpets impregnated with dog and cat hair have all been long assigned to the dump...  :o


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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2007, 09:16:45 AM »
Yaaaaaay AILSA!

Good for you!

Fantastic stuff! I'm absolutely made-up for you! ...and, from the look of it, you've got a few honeys on there too!

I look forward to reading all about it in your esteemed journal and seeing some of the fruits of your labours in print. It'd make a cracking column!

...and you know you can always rely on us lot to wind you up!  ;)

dave miller

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2007, 01:06:41 PM »
Well done Ailsa, the cancellation’s cancelled.  :)

Nicole BM

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Re: I need some encouragement!
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2007, 10:30:33 AM »
Congratulations Ailsa! Well done! Now where's the shot of your pooch??  ;D