Very cool discussion! And Suzi, Im super jealous of your 6 month darkroom privileges.
Myself, I develop my b&w film myself, from 35mm to 4x5, then scan it on my 4490. It doesnt scan 4x5 so I made a template out of a Shrinky Dink sheet and scan half the neg, move it, then scan the other half, and stitch it together in CS3. Tricky business since half the time each half scans with different tones. Yippee!!
Anyway, after I scan the images in I usually crop the image because I dont like to crop incamera. I feel like Im not leaving myself any room for error when I do that. After I crop, I make other adjustments to make the image look like what I saw when I pressed the shutter or at least make the image look the way I want it to look.
Oh yeah, and most of images live in the digital world. I have only just started making prints and Im loving it but for the most part, my images live online or in my computer.
Once those minor adjustments have been made in ACR, I open the image up in CS3 and use the healing tool and clone stamp to remove dust and hairs. Sometimes though, I will use the clone stamp and healing tool to remove whole elements from an image that destroy it for me, like telephone wires. I removes lots of those.
Thats it for me. No darkroom stuff yet. Someday maybe, now that I have some equipment.