Author Topic: How many of you have your own darkroom?  (Read 17253 times)


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How many of you have your own darkroom?
« on: October 11, 2010, 04:07:50 AM »
I am in the process of setting up my own darkroom. I finally have the space to do so ( just have to clean it out) and I inherited a pretty sweet set up...

So do any of you with darkrooms have photos of your set up?

Also, what chemistry do you use?

I have only ever really worked with a large darkroom, so we have systems in place for draining chemistry, etc, and i guess since I am doing this at home, I need to make sure I use the greenist option possible since I will be dumping it down my own drains....

In any case, I am pretty excited because this will mean I may have time to work with film again and my own printing :)


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 05:14:33 AM »
i used to have a full darkroom. now i just have the stuff to develop, but not print. i typically use kodak chemicals. you can use replenisher to make your developer last longer if you want to be somewhat green.
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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 07:02:42 AM »
Hey congratulations.
How big is your space- maybe post us a plan of your layout??

No two darkrooms are the same.  They are totally dependent on the logistics you are dealing with- floor space, location of drainage, doors windows, venting. Or whether you are upstairs, or in a cellar. Even what sort of climate you live in. You have to solve each problem the best way for your space and your needs. My room is almost a closet- but it still  works really well.

Maybe last year, Francois did a cool series of posts- pics from a book of darkrooms owned by famous photographers, and a number of us added our own darkrooms then as well. Does anyone know how to ferret out that link? Meybe even try 'darkroom' on the search bar here?

EDIT: nope, search didn't seem to help. Have we migrated sites since then?? My memory is really,    er        er..

SECOND EDIT: Simple victories amaze me sometimes. I found that series of posts by using the search button on the toolbar here (between Help and Profile) and added darkroom + 'search message topic' I think it was for parameters.. bingo. I'm now leaving to celebrate one man's win over cyberspace. Goodluck/

EDIT the THIRD, moments later: *Grgggh*! All the images have been dropped from the archived posts. "Damn you Cyberspace, you win after all.."

Re chemistry. Talk to your local municipality or council waste dept. They may have a system for you to bring barrels of used chem in to them for disposal or recycling. You'll feel better about dealing with your old dev and toners that way.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 07:27:28 AM by db »


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 08:15:35 AM »
I have a darkish room/cycles room. Use a Nova slot developing tank and an old sink. Oh, there are a couple of enlargers in there too. Just about to put in some ventilation.
As for non-toxic chemicals, I've seen some lovely Prints done with caffenol.

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2010, 08:48:58 AM »
I used to have my own dark room but, following a series of house and city moves (work-related0 I never got round to building another one. The house we're in now is way too small to have one - though I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that a changing bag and developing tank are becoming a financial lifeline - given that it cocts about £6-7 per film for proper B&W processing.

If I were starting again, I'd probably go Ilford throughout the range of chemicals. The reason? That's what I used before and I was never disappointed. I tried Tetenal, Kodak and Paterson - I even brewed my own soup once - which was a big mistake as I tested it on an important roll of film. Since then, if I want to dip my toe in the water, I do it one foot at a time....!

As for disposal of chemicals. Assuming you're not using gallons of the stuff daily, I suspect you probably flush away more harmful stuff. I might be wrong but your local environmental officer at the council should be able to give you a pointer.

Good luck with it. I'm seriously envious....
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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2010, 09:28:54 AM »
here are some older pics of my darkroom.

I got rid of the two enlargers a while ago and now have a devere 504 with varicon head on the back wall.

the sink was bought from a dog grooming parlour that was closing down - it's perfect.

I'll have to take some snaps of it as it currently is.

As for green chemicals ... there isn't really such a thing.  There was a company making a range of "greener" chemicals a while ago,but I cant remember what they were called, and I cant find them anywhere now, so I expect they've stopped anyway. The thing is, the concentrations and amounts that you'll be using as a sole-practitioner is likely to make your environmental impact quite minimal. THe worst general chemical is used fixer as it contains a fair amount of silver - but even that is tiny compared to the amount of toxic waste produced so we can wear jeans/ eat sugar/ drive cars/ store food/ live a western lifestyle (the moralities of such is for a wholly different discussion ;) ).

Selenium toner is fine provided you use it to exhaustion (it, not you).  I've heard it then makes good plant fertilizer (although probably best to keep it off the vegetable patch).

There is all that about being able to collect the silver from used fixer and sell it back to the industry ... but I dont know of anyone who actually does that (?).

I use my chems until they no longer work.  I mixed used developers with used stop bath to roughly neurtralise the pH then pour away.  I pour away fixer, then feel bad about it. And I do the same with toners, once they've exhausted.

As for chemical types ... I mix my own film developers, I use ilford bromophen as a standard print developer, harman cooltone (no longer available) and harman warmtone print devs for special applications, for film I use no stop and for prints I use very week ilford stop bath, and for fixer I use whatever I can buy a 5 litre bottle of - usually ilford rapid fix or hypam.

I use open trays for the prints - I like to see what's happening to the print so the slot processors are no good for me.  I use a nova slot-washer for washing.


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2010, 09:37:36 AM »
if you want to get really serious - have a look at this:

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2010, 02:26:56 PM »
if you want to get really serious - have a look at this:

Ha! Dave's famous shed has reached here too!
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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 04:04:49 PM »
When it comes to the chemicals, the worse ecological offender is usually the fixer. Since is contains plenty of dissolved silver ions, it's pretty toxic to both wildlife and plants.

The developer is less of a problem. But since it's getting illegal to dump large quantities of the stuff down the drain, better to store those chemicals. A local lab used those red jerry cans to store and transport the color chemicals. And another local lab runs the used fixer through their silver recovery process for free (they even dispose of the other stuff for free).

But since most products can already be re-used way beyond the expected expiration, it's possible to make it last a long time.

As for the famous lab pictures, I think I'll just re-post them

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2010, 04:34:56 PM »
For more inspiration, you can also check out the following:

As for chemicals, I was a big user of Kodak stuff. It was easy to find so that was part of the appeal.
For film, it was D-76.
For paper, it was Dektol.
For stop, it was the awful Indicator stop bath... has the whole place smelling like a hotdog stand within minutes.
For fix, I used regular fixer... a big mistake since it takes so ling to properly fix.

For the next installment of the lab (coming probably this fall), I will make a few changes in the chemicals used.
For stop bath, I'll do like I once read and use regular white vinegar diluted 1:1. As cheap as can be.
For fixer, I'll go for rapid fix. I don't want to wait 7 minutes for film to be fixed.

As for the rest, I'll see as I go.

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2010, 05:51:28 PM »
Thanks you guys!

I actually can take my stop bath to the local art school to have them reclaim the silver ( they saved up for about 20 years and just bought a whole bunch of stuff with the cash a few years ago :)

My space is actually a covered porch off my bedroom that was made into a junk room of sorts. It really does not have much ventilation, nor heating or cooling, but it is about 10 x 15 feet. If I start serious usage over the winter, I will think about adding air con to it ( I have a space heater if it got to that, but I live in the tropics)

The set-up I inherited has stuff for color or BW processing, but I think i am going to stick with BW for now until I get vents of some sort set up.

Am very interested in Caffeinol though...never tried that...


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2010, 06:03:26 PM »
I actually can take my stop bath to the local art school to have them reclaim the silver ( they saved up for about 20 years and just bought a whole bunch of stuff with the cash a few years ago :)

you mean fix rather than stop, right?

so someone actually does reclaim silver?  Interesting.  I wouldnt even begin to know who to approach with it  ???


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2010, 07:05:36 PM »
I will confess in open forum to having a custom made darkroom that I have never used! Many years ago I had a room built and kitted it out and there it has sat. I ain't proud -  :-[

Many years ago I used to work for a photographer and we used to have the fix collected by some company who recovered the silver. We paid them and they recovered the silver - perhaps in part why they went out of business!


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2010, 07:37:10 PM »

so someone actually does reclaim silver?  Interesting.  I wouldnt even begin to know who to approach with it  ???

A local minilab takes mine, they would be my first port of call, another might be an Art college with darkrooms as sometimes they also have silver recovery units and use the silver in workshops.....

Phil the company was probably called Silver Lining, that's who took the fixer from my lab, we used to have them collect about 2000L a month, not sure how they'd feel about driving down from Leeds for 5L  :)
Here's the address in case anyone wants to try:
Mark Antony
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 07:42:49 PM by Photo_Utopia »
There's more to this photography thing than meets the eye.

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2010, 07:44:06 PM »
Perhaps we should send it to Ilford to reclaim the silver.



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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2010, 10:48:37 PM »
I read somewhere that all film is now made from around 93% reclaimed silver. So it's good to know that the recycling system works.

There are many types of silver recovery systems. Some for small darkrooms rely on the passive exchange of ions between steel wool and the fixer. It works but then you need to get rid of the gunk and the silver coated wool. On the other hand, the minilabs use an electroplating based process which is much more efficient. And lastly, there's the chemical recovery. Kodak makes some pretty efficient chemicals just for that. The product forces the dissolved silver out of solution so it makes a nice sedimentary layer on the bottom of the tank.

But those processes are only good for larger volumes of production...

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2010, 11:00:33 PM »
I will confess in open forum to having a custom made darkroom that I have never used! Many years ago I had a room built and kitted it out and there it has sat. I ain't proud -  :-[

Can I have it?  ;D


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2010, 11:35:28 PM »
Yes, meant fix...brain frazzle. Been building shelves all day  to house all the junk so I can have "the room"


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2010, 01:45:46 AM »
Talk about tiny- there's not enough room to swing the proverbial  cat.. but fortunately that's not something I've ever needed to do in a darkroom. I can stand in the middle and touch any 2 walls by extending my arms

A few explanations
White cupboard outside the door is to hang film up to dry. Coffee machine and fridge adjacent was vital (for me anyway). I built a wall+ sliding door across the old laundry on the back of this cottage. A friend donated the 2 metre long poly sink, so that's how long the room ended up.

Can't have enough shelves, hooks or racks in a darkroom. Dry bench with a built-in lightbox was begged from a commercial lab that closed down. Everything else was knocked together from scrap timber. A small whiteboard is great for scribbling printing notes and dodging times etc

« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 01:48:48 AM by db »


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2010, 09:03:56 AM »
Well, I do have a dark room, quite modest you might say,  :D but it does the work. By now only developping no Enlarger...


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2010, 01:07:07 PM »
I've got major darkroom envy.  I waffle back and forth between should I / shouldn't I.  I've got the space (or spaces - so many areas of my basement would work!).  But I know that for me, it would suck virtually all of my free time (time I feel is so limited as it is) - - hours slip by in moments it seems when you're in the darkroom, does it not? :)

So for now, I develop my b/w (load film in changing tent) in the daylight and scan / print negatives digitally. 


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2010, 07:17:44 AM »
I've got major darkroom envy.  I waffle back and forth between should I / shouldn't I.  I've got the space (or spaces - so many areas of my basement would work!).  But I know that for me, it would suck virtually all of my free time (time I feel is so limited as it is) - - hours slip by in moments it seems when you're in the darkroom, does it not? :)

So for now, I develop my b/w (load film in changing tent) in the daylight and scan / print negatives digitally. 


I could easily convert the shed (its a nice solid stone brick thing built to withstand a Lewis gale) but where will I find the time?


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2010, 11:58:37 AM »
she doesn't let me develop at home. glad I have the club's darkrrom to use :)
just got offered an enlarger too but I can't accept it cause of space = none. praying for better times haha~


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2010, 06:51:48 AM »
Like jojonas, I use the lab of the club.

Here's a link I guess was already posted here somewhere, but it's very related to the subject :
A survey of London's remaining professional darkrooms


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2010, 08:58:52 AM »
I've got major darkroom envy.  I waffle back and forth between should I / shouldn't I.  I've got the space (or spaces - so many areas of my basement would work!).  But I know that for me, it would suck virtually all of my free time (time I feel is so limited as it is) - - hours slip by in moments it seems when you're in the darkroom, does it not? :)

So for now, I develop my b/w (load film in changing tent) in the daylight and scan / print negatives digitally. 


I could easily convert the shed (its a nice solid stone brick thing built to withstand a Lewis gale) but where will I find the time?

You can always find an hour  ;) instead of scanning negs, just print the one you like. As for non-toxic chems, these are available in the US .
Caffenol printing ;


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2010, 05:28:43 PM »
Och av got oll re components o' ma darkroom packed in boxes in ma loft  :)  ........................ A chust hav tae waet untill ma son gets old eenuff tae leeve hame, an then a can settit up agaen in de room it w's in in re furst plaece  ::)
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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2010, 08:38:23 PM »

I'm in the same place as Edthened ... Wtg. on the 18 y.o. to go to take back the loft.  Mind you the 24 y.o. is back again at the moment too ...  Reckon the 15 y.o. might go first at this rate.  It's terrible as I've just got all the kit now too ...

Miles ...


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2010, 11:18:04 PM »
If you want to know what my darkroom looks like right now, please hold your breath... it won't be pretty  :(

(and yes, it takes a lot of humility to admit to such a mess...)

I had to shoot it using a fisheye adapter just to get most of the place in the picture.

I sometimes wish it would at least all be in boxes... that would give me a chance to start up fresh!

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2010, 02:33:40 AM »
Very basic but remarkably functional. Prints are washed in the bathroom. The back window is lightsafed with a sheet made of the black sleeves photo paper comes in, then covered with a dark cloth. Taken with my phone.


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2010, 06:53:17 AM »
I have my own darkroom.  No drain though washing is done in the bathroom.  I use Ilford chemicals (because that's all I can seem to find).  I don't dump chemicals in the drain.

now lets see if I can add pictures:

ok I hoped that worked (ok so it's a link TO a picture)


(Edited by Ed to add the picture itself into the post)  :)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 08:09:55 AM by ed.wenn »

Suzi Livingstone

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2010, 11:23:25 AM »
Nice space Ricus  ;D


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2010, 03:20:04 PM »
Much better than my over cluttered "shotgun alley"...

3 enlargers... sweet

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2010, 07:34:58 PM »
I have my own darkroom.  No drain though washing is done in the bathroom.  I use Ilford chemicals (because that's all I can seem to find).  I don't dump chemicals in the drain.

now lets see if I can add pictures:

ok I hoped that worked (ok so it's a link TO a picture)


(Edited by Ed to add the picture itself into the post)  :)

so jealous.... ;)
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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2010, 12:25:51 PM »
here's mine.  CHeck out the p'shop skills in my stitch pano.



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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2010, 05:23:06 AM »
i have my bathroom set up for developing only, but i plan to get an enlarger and whole nine yards  :o
Roman B


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2010, 02:03:43 AM »
This gives me serious envy but there is hope- I've moved to Leeds in Ingerland & I'm currently spending a lot of time looking at terraced houses for to buy and live in. A lot of them have cellars / basements. This has lead to several comical conversations with my partner-
she: "that'll make great storage for all our crap"
me: "hmmm, yes, storage.  (thinking: just how big is a 5x4" enlarger?)

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2010, 05:33:42 PM »
I have a dark room but these days it is only used to load film into a canister or process film.  My days of paper are probably over.  All of my post processing is done with a scanner, photoshop, and an inkjet printer.  I guess you could say I went green if you really wanted to stretch a point.
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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2010, 07:33:59 AM »
I have a dark room but these days it is only used to load film into a canister or process film.  My days of paper are probably over.  All of my post processing is done with a scanner, photoshop, and an inkjet printer.  I guess you could say I went green if you really wanted to stretch a point.

there is nothing green about the production of computer components and especially not in the manufacture of printer inks.


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2010, 02:30:25 PM »
Quite true. When you see all the weird chemicals and heavy metals (not to mention the amount of electricity used) in the production of a single memory chip, it really blows the mind. No wonder Silicon Valley is among the most polluted regions in the US.


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2010, 08:47:05 PM »
I was thinking a bit more local, as in not having to dispose of all of that used fixer and developer.  If I wanted to go anal I guess we could also include the technology being used to read this post.  We all have a footprint and an impact.  So unless you are ready to climb back into the trees and eat bananas, please show a bit less indignation and a bit more understanding of the reality we all live with. 

Do what you can when you can.
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Ed Wenn

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2010, 10:05:44 PM »
Hiya, I'm positive that Leon & Francois didn't mean to cause offence, or upset you. Apologies on behalf of FW if this has left you with a bad taste in your mouth. It's a clearly a complex issue though, so I'd have expected a bit of a debate to spring up if I'd ended a post the way you did.

I've often toyed with the whole "which is greener; trad or digital?" equation myself. In fact years ago, before she jumped ship, I was going to ask Ailsa if there was an article in it for B&WP.

Doing what you can, when you can seems like a very good motto to me.


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #41 on: November 14, 2010, 10:22:30 PM »
Certainly no offence meant ... But I don't think anyone has shown anything even close to indignation. F (if I may speak for him) & I were merely comparing and contrasting as we all need to do to come to our own conclusions on such matters.

For things truly green, going 'local' and avoiding the globalisation of production will have a much greater impact than the prevention of the disposal of a few (mostly) organic and highly dilute chemicals down the drain. A pro processing lab isan entirely different matter, granted.    
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 10:25:20 PM by leon taylor »


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #42 on: November 14, 2010, 11:16:12 PM »
Greys on greys - I'm sorry if the way It came out sounded offensive to you. Like Ed and Leon said, it's totally involuntary from my part... and sometimes both the geek side of me and the fact I spend all my days speaking French make my comments come out a bit strange (I call it lost in translation...).

I'm not one to be obsessed with environmentalism (even though I understand the need to do my part more than the average guy). I'm more a science fan who finds amazement in all sorts of things...

Still, I too find Leon's post not personally offensive. He's simply stating his opinion.

And since none of us around here has the time and credentials to do a full environmental impact analysis comparison of both processes (from the energy required to produce the equipment used to mine out the raw materials to the finished product), I would think we should pretty much leave things the way they are. This is a sterile debate since, like Ed said, we all strive to do our best when it comes to the environment.

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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2010, 12:34:29 AM »
This is a sterile debate since, like Ed said, we all strive to do our best when it comes to the environment.

...actually I was quoting Greys on Grey.



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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2010, 03:05:18 PM »
And I was quoting Ed quoting Grays on Grey  ;D

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2010, 03:47:45 PM »
Mine's been in boxes for a few years now. Never too keen on developing negs., my local pro lab develops mine by hand for me - a service that is becoming less and less available here.

For the moment I print in the darkrooms available at the photo center here.  One of a handful of public darkrooms in the area.  Other than knowing when to avoid the crowded times, the main drawback of public darkrooms is putting the silver chemistry and equipment maintenance (or lack of) in the facilities hands.  You can waste expensive paper before you realize chemistry has been contaminated or an enlarger is off kilter.

Selenium is pretty toxic and needs not only proper disposal but excellent ventilation (if not a respirator) - one, now long closed, public darkroom here was heavily fined for improper disposal.  Some people I know let it evaporate and then burn the accumulated residue.  That doesn't seem particularly environmentally friendly either.

It's a great addition to silver nonetheless. Even if you're using a cold-toned paper it adds to the archival life of a print.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 03:58:03 PM by gregor »


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2010, 04:11:38 PM »
Gregor, I read somewhere [I think the Silverprint site]that Viradon is more archival than selenium. See here
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 04:15:58 PM by Andrea »


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2010, 04:20:08 PM »
Gregor, I read somewhere [I think the Silverprint site]that Viradon is more archival than selenium.

Thanks for the tip Andrea. Good to know.  I'll look into that as an alternative - my local suppliers don't carry it though I see freestyle in the US does. My brain gets wobbly after a few sniffs of selenium ;-)


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Re: How many of you have your own darkroom?
« Reply #48 on: November 15, 2010, 08:05:23 PM »

Selenium is pretty toxic and needs not only proper disposal but excellent ventilation (if not a respirator) - one, now long closed, public darkroom here was heavily fined for improper disposal.  Some people I know let it evaporate and then burn the accumulated residue.  That doesn't seem particularly environmentally friendly either.

Selenium is fine provided you use to exhaustion.  The remainder, well diluted further than working solutions, makes a good liquid feed for garden plants, although probably best to avoid the veg patch. Sounds pretty environmentally friendly to me.