Ok - I'll do this once more, then I think we should put it to bed once and for all.
the rules about posting adverts at filmwasters are clearly laid out in the "Please read this first" thread in the Housekeeping sub-forum:
We try to keep Filmwasters completely free of any commercial activities. From our side we offer up a site that's 100% independently funded, free of annoying ads, sponsorship etc. and from your side we'd appreciate it if you steered clear of using the forum to promote your own magazine, shop, gallery, online auctions etc. Obviously forum regulars get a bit of a pass on this so there is a bit of leeway under some circumstances, but we would really appreciate it if you contacted us either via the Gmail address (filmwasters [at] gmail.com) or via a personal message to any of the forum moderators.
We are essentially trying to stop people gaining personal profits out of our generosity.
Sometimes, this has meant us being a bit more firm than we would like with regulars who dont follow the guidance. This is only so we can apply a consistent approach.
Mart - there is no protocol whatsoever about toycamera content being posted here, provided it is not linked to any commercial venture. I echo what Sean says. We are different sites for different purposes but not at odds with each-other - an amicable co-existence.
Any not-for-profit project that fellow 'togs are involved with is more than welcome to be mentioned here. Interviews, podcasts, exhibitions, books, articles etc are all fine.
In this instance, given our rules, I personally would have liked a courtesy email to check if it was ok to post this content, but the OP has made it clear it is not-for-profit, so it is perfectly fine.