Peter, it looks like you got a really interesting haul there. Choppert, that Nikon 35 is just beautiful.
I've just picked up a Canon Pellix SLR (1965 model not the QL version). The meter doesn't work (big deal!) but the bodywork is immaculate as it's been sitting in its custom case for all its life. Mechanically, all the shutter speeds seem silky smooth and there's no crunching or grinding with the winder either.
The Pellix's has a pellicle mirror which is "fixed" - i.e. it is semi-translucent and allows most of the light to pass through to the film. This makes it very quiet in operation with zero mirror slap if tripod mounted. It also meant that Canon had to sell the camera with a quick lens. Many went out with an f1.4 but mine has an FL breech-lock series, 58mm f1.2 in mint condition. The coating is a stunning bronze colour and I can't wait to see what the photos look like.
I haven't tried yet but I think the lens will also work on my other FD bodies (F1-N, EF and A1) so metering shouldn't be a problem.