Team, I have a horrible suspicion that I know why the old images aren't loading...and an even worse feeling that I can't fix it.
In order to backup the old forum prior to the upgrade I had to do two separate operations:
- take a copy of all of the files in the root of the ./forum directory
- and run a full backup of the MySQL database
There was a backup util available from our Web host for the MySQL which I used successfully, but for the contents of the ./forum directory I simply FTP'd the whole thing down to my PC. I used the Filezilla FTP client to run the copy and I suspect that the contents of the ./forum/attachments directory (i.e. the images) were all copied in 'Auto' mode....which probably means ASCII.
"But why transfer in ASCII if they're JPGs?" I hear some of you ask...
The thing is that image file names are changed when you post them to the forum and the attachment type is taken off the end. For example a file called Foggy Morning.jpg on your local computer gets renamed to the slightly less snappy 429_Foggy_Morning_jpg575548fccd1a25660233f5a38ccfc4f8 after you upload it here. This provides a good enough excuse for an FTP client to avoid seeing the JPG as a binary file.
I therefore reckon that the contents of the ./forum/attachments directory that I have on my PC are corrupted. I'm going to take a look on the server to see if there are any older backups of that directory, but I'm not holding out much hope.
I've had a trawl online, but I don't think there's a way of re-converting files back to BINARY from ASCII.