Author Topic: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...  (Read 9615 times)


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The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« on: February 05, 2010, 02:36:58 AM »
Took a day trip into the snowy lands of Arizona with the dog...was supposed to snow but ended up being mostly sunny; great day for Polaroid!

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"A world without Polaroid is a terrible place."
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vicky slater

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 08:54:53 AM »
that dog picture is beyond perfect. a complete killer!


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 09:07:57 AM »
I agree with Vicky, the dog picture is gorgeous, so delicate.


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 09:52:48 AM »
Yep, that second ones is simply evocative.

 I will add my own choco-roids  ;D  These were taken inside a cemetery (of cooourse). At the entrance there was a big sign forbidding photographs. I took with me the polaroid 195 and the pentax 67, so it was quite obvious from my side what I was planning to do... Luckily not many people (lunch time) lurking around so... I took some shots  8).

POlaroid 195 with delicious chocolate film.

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2010, 10:09:09 AM »
love that chocolate! #'s 2 and 3 are perticularly good

with 2 being my fav.

I also love that Hound pic.


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 04:53:39 PM »
Love the hound!

She is a beauty.


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 11:28:06 PM »
was out today with a Balda baldixette and some expired
Jessops PanS . . .

vicky slater

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 01:11:43 AM »
My husband and oldest son's birthday's were on sunday, 50 and 17 respectively....
this was on the f80.

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2010, 01:57:55 AM »
please don't get me wrong. I love all the photos in the weekend thread - some really remarkable work appears here. But it's getting kinda like flickr in this thread and there's a bit of an imbalance between weekend posts and other relevant posts about processes, camera reviews, and information about the larger photo community... And yes, I'm guilty of this imbalance as well.

I won't be posting anything this weekend in protest !
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 02:00:48 AM by gregor »


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2010, 03:33:19 AM »
Calbisu--loved the composition and effect in #2 & 3. You bring 'em alive. I second the 'protest', though i like the fact that people feel free to contribute anything. For my part: I don't usually post pics *right* away. Kind of let 'em sit for a while and ripen (or rot). So the weekend slots tend not to elicit much in the way of participatory zeal---in fact, I feel a certain compunction passing something off as a 'weekend' kaching (or kathunk) when it may have been shot months ago, and is therefore, in the strict internet sense, 'passé?'...
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 03:34:59 AM by snewbery »


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2010, 03:36:38 AM »
Love moominsean's hound, too: the beauty of the face, the legs...


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2010, 10:19:42 AM »
I love these threads but, maybe we should only ever post one image per thread?
Anyway, this is mine this week.

Hyacinth. k1000 hp5/rodinal

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vicky slater

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2010, 11:36:44 AM »
Hiya, I'm not sure I understand the objections to the weekend threads?
Do you feel they stop you starting other threads?
If you look at the front page they're really a very small part of what's up there and the regular sharing of our work is part of what makes this group feel more of a community.
As far as I understand this site isn't able to host galleries for all it's members so this is a way to keep up with what we're all doing....and because we're mostly only posting a couple of pictures a week we're more thoughtful about it than with flickr.

Could there not be fixed threads posted, like in APUG, 35mm, pinhole, exhibitions, processing etc
Would that be something that would work for the group?

How would you actually like to see things progress?
I'm genuinely interested.


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2010, 12:07:10 PM »
I think I can speak on behalf of Ed, Damion, Susan and Skj in expressing the following "official" filmwasters opinion (please chip in guys if you think I've misrepresented you ... :) )

The weekend threads happened organically.  I think it's fair to say that they grew out of Mark Skorji's weekend reports from Japan ... where he would post (amazingly good) pictures from his trips around Japan - and he'd usually sign off with saying "so what did you shoot this weekend?" ... We were all surprised as to how popular they became.

We set this site up to look at, enjoy and talk about pictures and creativity in photography. On some sites, in fact most sites I've used, the technical dominates with little thought or expression of creativity. Here we have mostly managed to keep all the technical content focussed on the final picture and I am really grateful to the membership for doing that ... and hope this continues. A key part of this is the regular showing and discussion of people's photographs, and the Weekend Threads have ensured that we keep doing that on a regular basis.  I, for one, really enjoy the threads and find that they motivate me to think much more critically about my own pictures.

I quite like Andrea's idea of keeping the number if images down ... although 1 is a bit too restrictive - maybe a max of 3.

I cant see the similarity to flickr though - can you expand upon that point Gregor?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 12:10:25 PM by leon taylor »


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2010, 12:34:02 PM »
For what it's worth I also enjoy the weekend threads. I get great inspiration from the generally excellent work that's posted. It encourages me to take more photographs because I enjoy sharing them and I really value the feedback from the group.

Restricting the number posted seems a good idea; three seems a fair number. If I had one request from the group it would be for more feedback, positive or negative, I really value your opinions.

Having said all that I don't have anything to post this weekend, I really need to get out there!
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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2010, 12:44:54 PM »
3 - happy with that.
But not just any three. 3 if you have 3 interestinating snaps perhaps. Which I usually don't


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2010, 12:59:03 PM »
i dunno...i think it's kind of silly to start imposing rules upon a casual "hey check out some of my latest photos" thread. just because it's a regular thing doesn't mean it has to be fenced in. post one, post 5, whatever...that's what i think. whatever yer wanting to show off! i'm not much into trying to put more contraints and rules on something so benign. that's how "the man" does it.

and I work every weekend, so my weekend is the week, so my timing is always off as far as posting current/past stuff...but anything i post was usually taken the week before that weekend. but i don't care if it's something that was shot two months ago and just developed or printed now. it's all good. not like there are 500 photos to sift through in these threads every week.

not sure i see the imbalance or comparison to flickr is a forum. it flows how it flows depending on what people are talking about. it's not about order.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 01:03:30 PM by moominsean »
"A world without Polaroid is a terrible place."
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vicky slater

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2010, 01:21:59 PM »
heh, adding rules about how many pictures you can post is very flickr.....just sayin :)


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2010, 01:28:47 PM »
I dont think anyone is imposing any rules ... just asking people to think about what they post and why.  We are all reasonably laid back about such things in general.

Diane Peterson

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2010, 03:17:11 PM »
I am in total agreement with Nigel..and since I don't remember to many "wasters" posting too many images I think we are good the way we are..though I do understand the other points of view..I like the idea of comments long as they are good comments..( my attempt at humor)...I alwaays appreciate the pro's and con's with viewpoints... I love this site and eveything about it.... I am always eager for the weekend snaps..


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2010, 03:49:37 PM »
I rarely manage to get stuff ready in time to genuinely take part in the weekend threads so tend to miss out in posting, but I do enjoy looking at other people's work.

Though I also feel that maybe some other threads aren't started (with a specific point) because it's easier to post in the running weekend threads.

The collaborations tend to be my favourite though.  Plenty of thought goes into them and there's a theme running through the pictures.  Would we be able to do something similar in a thread as well as the seperate collaborations (to try and keep the admin down)?  As well as the more informal weekend posts.

Maybe the weekend posts should be started with a bit more of a narrative and point - rather than a mad scramble to be the first to start the week's thread?

Maybe I'm waffling?  Just maybe!   ;D
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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2010, 04:38:53 PM »
My point is that I'm see more participation in weekend threads and an increasing number of images per person, and less participation in threads that are related to the larger photographic community, opportunities, or critical discussion.  I think one of the great things about FW is its ability to fuel discussion that is not just about  "my photo" or "your photo," but other relevant topics as well - in addition to posts asking for direct critiques of work.

That's where the comparison to photo sharing sites comes in. I also realize people will contribute in the manner that suits them best.

As I said, I'm guilty of focusing more on the weekend thread too, and also loving what I see posted in the wknd threads!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 05:48:58 PM by gregor »


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2010, 06:53:07 PM »
I'd hate to see the spontaneity of the weekend threads congeal or falter through imposition of rules---and I take the point about the organic growth of the thread from Skorj's weekend reports. This is actually wonderful to know. I greatly appreciate the friendly nature of the group here, and the fact that anyone can post anything encourages people to feel that it's *safe* to post---that ambience is what draws people in and encourages them. So it's important to preserve it.

I do agree with gregor---the weekending predominates, though we have none but ourselves to blame. I'll take this as encouragement to initiate new threads, varied threads, focused threads, diffuse threads---but ones that preserve the  friendly, pull-up-a-chair atmosphere  of the weekend  `outings'.

What fun we'll have (are having)....


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2010, 07:50:57 PM »
My reason to join FW was mainly to be part of a community of analogue photography addicts who among other things share opinions, reviews and  their work. I think when observing others people work there is much to learn and potential inspiration. And I believe anyone posting shots in FW really tries to post quality shots. It?s also true that the weekend posts might be too condescendent when giving opinions, which usually tend to be positive but with little constructive criticism.

Who is gonna be brave enough this weekend to keep posting shots?  ::)


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2010, 08:18:11 PM »
Who is gonna be brave enough this weekend to keep posting shots? 

Hopefully everyone who wants to show us their latest !  I think FW is a group of strong-willed individuals who'll do what they do !! I don't think this side discussion should interfere with everyone enjoying each others photographs.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 08:22:59 PM by gregor »


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2010, 10:19:44 PM »
I knew when I woke up today that this weekend thread would have to much talk and no more photos....and I would need to post a photo to re-break the ice. SO I post this fine piece shot last week at an abandoned place called Two Guns...discuss amongst yourselves.

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« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 10:35:45 PM by moominsean »
"A world without Polaroid is a terrible place."
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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2010, 10:23:21 PM »
hermaphrodite in flight... Interesting images, both.


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2010, 11:28:21 PM »
I'm very new here, but the thing that struck me instantly about this forum was the fact that it seemed so relaxed, with a pretty diverse range in styles and tastes.  Very refreshing...

I'm not suggesting that anyone is trying to make any 'rules' but I do believe the more rules there are, the less creativity there is.  Maybe.  I know what I want to say in my head, but perhaps it's not coming across very well.

Anyway, criticism can be a really good thing, but, perhaps not what  everyone is looking for, as I said already, it's refreshing to view such a diverse body of work without being influenced by 'critique' the viewer is free to make up their own mind on how they feel about a picture. 

Then, there's also not the worry that someone is going to rip into your work and point all the flaws!  :P  (I am exaggerating, but I have seen critique go this way on other forums. Just saying like.)
The weekend posts are a good way to for noobs to get involved here. 

It'd be a shame if that was to get lost.  I've seen it happen other places, only post a certain number at a certain size, in the right thread, at the right time.  I agree with Sean, that sounds a bit like 'the man' to me.

I don't mean to sound like a brat. 

Here's a picture of Jess. Smiling.  Diana F & Neopan 400 



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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2010, 11:56:15 PM »
Brownie Cresta III using "Lucky" black and white 100 speed

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2010, 06:59:03 PM »
Howdy all,
Here are couple of photos from this past week, taken in NW Portland during my lunch hour.
Camera: 1970 Nikon Ftn Photomic SLR
Lens: early 70s Nikkor 105mm f/2.5
Film: Kodak Portra VC 400
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2010, 09:18:41 PM »

PLAY MORE : Polaroid Goose (600se) 75 lens + Fuji Silk

FRESH : Polaroid Goose (600se) 150 lens + Fuji Silk

« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 09:46:41 PM by Miller »

I decided to enlarge the Polaroids, because, as the wolf said to Red Riding Hood, “all the better to see you with, my dear.” Mrs Helmut Newton

Ed Wenn

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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2010, 10:27:16 PM »
Hi Team, thanks to Gregor for feeling involved enough in Filmwasters to want to make it better. Much appreciated. Thanks also to everyone who subsequently chipped in & gave their point of view as well as posting some fine work. As always, I'm rushed for time so here's my tuppence-worth in bulleted form.

  • We already have a rule regarding the number & size of images that can be uploaded directly into a post (as opposed to linked to), so I don't really see the need to impose an artificial limit on the weekend posts. If someone starts to regularly post lots of images here without contributing to the other parts of the site they will probably get a PM from one of the moderators. So far this hasn't happened and I don't really see why it would - most people here seem to know the score.
  • My take on Gregor's original comment is that there's a whole lot of good stuff going on here which perhaps doesn't generate the same amount of participation as the now famous 'Weekend Thread'. While the rest of the forum is hardly dying on the vine (see the view counts for some of the posts on the Articles board for instance) it is perhaps testament to how popular this thread has become. 
  • To be honest I'm happy if people just want to drop in once a week, post or link to a couple of recent snaps and then head off. Rather that than not visit at all. We're all busy and have a limited time to dedicate to this sort of thing. I find forum time at Filmwasters is time well spent and so will never limit myself to posting only in the weekend thread, but if that's all you want to do then knock yourselves out.
  • However, I do find that I've almost completely stopped posting images in a thread of their own, preferring instead to wait for the Weekend thread whenever I have an image or two to show. So score 1 for Gregorand a reminder to self to try to diversify from now on.

...anyway, as for my own contribution to this weekend's 'show and tell' I offer up two of the images that Damion & I made during the filming of the recently published video podcast. Portraits of the artists as oldish men, you could say.  :D

Polaroid Land Camera 360. Expired Polacolor 125i film stained in an instant coffee bath.

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« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:30:36 PM by ed.wenn »


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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2010, 11:36:48 PM »
Och a see ye both go tae re same hairdressers ren   8)   8)   ;)
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Re: The first week/end of february! Shots and such...
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2010, 12:03:57 PM »
Interesting discussion this weekend. I have to admit I do enjoy browsing the weekend threads. The weekend being the main chance I get to catch up with things. Also only just had chance to catch up with the most excellent podcast and collaboration - well done to all.

I'm new to photo forums, but have been members of various cycling forums. The experience of some of these has not been nice - I like the friendly atmosphere of filmwasters and the work is a great source of inspiration.

As for rules - as mentioned earlier - my personal opinion is that too many stifle creativity. But the golden rule here is NO Digital

Anyway less of my ramblings. Here's some pics - I have to admit not from this weekend, taken at the end of Jan and developed last weekend, but not scanned until during the week as I spent most of last Sunday with the scanner in bits trying to clean the dust out of it.

However the significance to this weekend is that they are probably the last of my shots on the Canon Eos 1000fn, as I have, this weekend, passed it over to my eldest son, with him sparking an interest in film during his recent home trip (he also took my rollei 35T back to Glasgow after the xmas vacation).

Oh yes - Canon EOS 1000fn, Rollei retro, Aculux 3

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« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 12:08:52 PM by Windy »