Ann, what a crap waster I am. I have been so caught up in me I forgot to reply to your thread. Sorry about that mate.
Francs is spot on load it horizontally. I have a darkroom with a bench that I use to load, everyone recommends no more that 4 sheets at once, I did 5 and one didn't process properly.
So my next attempt will be 4 - 2 on the outer slots 2 on the inner slots.
I don't use any loaders etc, I just use the reel. I practice out in the light so I could see what I was doing, I did it many times and got a feel for how to thread the sheet on, then I practice more with my eyes closed but feeling for the same flow and feed of the sheet. Then I went and did it in the darkroom as I stand up in there. Then I did it for real, it was a challenge not to get finger prints on the thing sheets but I am getting better.
I looked at the combi plans but they are very expensive and everyone I spoke to said that they tend to leak after a while, this is not to say they do, but people anecdotally suggested they did.