Hello to all forum members, I was guided here by a fellow countrymen, Don Brice, who put me in touch with Ed who kindly encouraged me to sign up and hang out to find out whats going on.
I have been a shooting pro for many years and the last 2 -3 years quite intensively to a point where I needed to bust away as I was enjoying my work but my soul felt quite empty.
So I ran away from Don and the gang and cruised through north America with my wife and currently we have settled in London for a few years to live and work here.
I have really started enjoying my photography again so much to the point I want to hang out and do stuff with other photogs - So thats why Don suggested Filmwasters et el.
Filmwise I shoot an RB67, a C220 and a 1957 Model 95a Polaroid fold out camera that has been converted to 6x12 which is some cool shit. I have some 35mm stuff as well but tend only to get that out when I am in a nostalgic or romantic mood.
So I'll leave it there and look forward to reading you stuff and looking at some pics and finding time to finish the Selgado interview.