I have 3 images in this upcoming group show.
Opal Gallery presents:
Foto Povera 5: Atlanta
Curated by: Yannick Vigouroux
June 4th-21st, 2009
Opening Reception: June 4th 2009, 6-9p
Ce collectif informel r?unit des photographes adeptes des pratiques alternatives : st?nop?, Holga, Diana et autres appareils-jouets.
This informal collective of French and Atlanta-based artists brings together talented photographers who take an alternative approach to their medium by using a variety of of non-traditional and "toy cameras" such as st?nop?, Holga, Diana, and Brownie box. The images on display represent a unique translation of photography with cameras that are often referred to as "primitive" in the modern world of digital technology. By embracing the constraints of these non-traditional cameras, they aim to capture a precariousness and spontaneity that they believe to be much greater than the resulting image.
My images in the show:
[Sorry, image deleted during forum software upgrade. Please re-upload if so inclined.]