i had to adjust it quite a bit, or more than i'd like to. part of me feels like it was cheating or something(how much photoshop is too much?), but i suppose if i had access to a colour dark room i would have made the same adjustments there to a certain degree anyway. thoughts?
Personally, I feel that has to be an individual decision... it's up to you as far as what aesthetic you are going for, what you want to achieve, and how you will do it.
I have a friend who when I tell him about all the "neat" filmy or alt-process stuff I've been doing, he simply relies: "yeah, well you could have done the same thing in photoshop in about five minutes."
A little frustrating, though admittedly at least partially true. So, in the end you have to ask yourself, are you going for an end result, or do you enjoy the journey of finding and creating photos? For me, I love shooting film. I love the physical feel of it, I love the control I have with it, I love the discovery. But, why stop there... if there is a way to make that image I've discovered on film a little better using new technologies, why not? It's all part of the artistic vision. If you want something to look a certain way, and a bit of photoshop will help get it there, well I'd say go for it. It's just another tool under the belt- that if used correctly can be incredibly useful. Otherwise, why not just hang the goop up as-is without scanning? If you are going to introduce a digital element into the process, why not use it to it's full advantage...