I've ended the year by tearing into my CineStill C-41 kit to take my first leap into colour developing at home, with some encouragement from the results.
The first is from a roll of Kodak 200 (fresh) 42 minutes in the C-41 developer at 22c, and Blix for 12 minutes also at 22c.
The second is from a roll of CineStill 800T rated at 3200 for a try with a "bleach-bypass" method: C-41 developer for 65 minutes at 20c, skip the Blix step, then fixed in my B/W fixer for 12 minutes at 20c.
The final one is from one of Irv's expired Agfa Vista 100 films (expired June 2006) rated at 250 with the same "bleach-bypass" approach as above.
Thanks everyone for your kindness and encouragement over the year.
Have a good evening everyone, I'll see you in 2022!