A while back I posted about how I converted a Kodak Flurolite Enlarger into a film scanner that I use with a digital camera (see link below). Well, yesterday I converted it back into an enlarger and made some prints. I can still use it both ways, I just need to take the lens off to use it as a scanner.
http://www.filmwasters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8655.msg123458#msg123458I've been making contact prints for a while now but I haven't used an enlarger since around 1984 in my High School photography class. I'm sure there's still a lot I need to learn but this is a start.
When I purchased the Flurolite enlarger it was set up for making copies and didn't have the lighted head. Instead it had a camera mounted where the head would go. It has worked great for scanning and I have all the negative carriers including 35mm, 127 and 120 film. A head came up on eBay recently so I ordered it. The head originally used a circular 8-1/4" fluorescent bulb with a special plug making it almost impossible to find a replacement. I got an 8" circular LED bulb and re-wired the head to take it. The bulb fits fine in the spring loaded clips.
When I originally purchased the enlarger it had an Ektar lens in a Kodak Supermatic shutter. It was originally intended to use the shutter for timing enlargements but that would be very limiting. The original fluorescent bulb would suck with a timer because they don't turn on quickly, the LED bulb solved that problem. In my setup I'm using the Ektar lens and a Beseler enlarging timer. I just leave the shutter open all the time.
Since I don't have the stand for the enlarger I used a tripod. This is difficult because I had to make sure the enlarging head was square with the easel. I'll need to find a stand for it eventually. focusing was a bit difficult for me so I ordered a grain focuser, that hasn't arrived yet. I think I got it focused pretty good though. Below are some photos of the setup and a few prints I made yesterday from some 120 negatives shot last summer. Don't laugh at my darkroom, it's also the laundry room and serves as a catchall for storage. It's the only room in my house without windows plus it has a wash basin that comes in handy. That Brady Bunch orange Formica counter top is original to a remodel of the house done in 1974. That room also has our heater and some ducting, it gets kind of hot in there. I'm limited for space so whatever setup I have needs to be able to be stored away somewhere else when not in use.