Author Topic: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series  (Read 12404 times)


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Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« on: May 10, 2019, 09:43:37 PM »
Peter asked about my impressions of the Konica C35 EF in this week's weekend thread. As to not hijack the weekend thread with a camera "review" I thought I'd better open a new thread to discuss the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series.

To answer Peter's question about my thoughts of the Konica C35 EF I need to explain how I came to like its siblings. I made my first acquaintance with the Konica C35 series when I bought a C35 AF2 which I more or less stumbled upon at a garage sale. What drew me to the AF2 was its wonderful '80s look and the fact that it obviously was an AF camera but with a manual film advance. This quirky design really appealed to me. So I got it for ~10 € and after trying it for the first time I was blown away. I'd never have expected it to be as good as it turned out to be. I loved (almost) everything about it. It's very quiet (the only thing that you hear is the motor of the AF; more about it in a bit) and the pictures I got from it are sharp and wouldn't suggest that they were taken with a compact camera.

Dune by C S
Konica C35 AF2, Fomapan 100, Caffenol-C-H (RS), red filter

The only thing that's not optimal (but which gives this camera so much character) is the AF2's Honeywell autofocus system. It was first used in the AF which was (according to some sources) the first production camera with autofocus. The AF2 is a followup model with only minor changes to the appearance. The autofocus is a little peculiar in a number of ways. It uses the two little windows to the left and to the right of the Konica logo in the same way that a traditional rangefinder would merge two images into a single view. The only difference is that a microprocessor tries to figure out whether or not the two images align. When you press the shutter release the focussing motor basically pulls the focus over the whole focal range until the microprocessor determines the image to be in focus and only then will it fire the leaf shutter. The problem is that there's no half-pressing of the shutter to pre-focus. Since the autofocus is focussing on the center of the image, you're left with keeping everything that you want to focus on in the center. :) It's the way it is. But it's still somewhat quirky (as in "really lovely" :) ). Don't get a wrong impression here: the autofocus is surprisingly accurate! The lens is a Hexanon 38mm f/2.8. It's a lens with 4 elements in 3 groups. It's the exact same lens as in the C35 EF. And 38mm is a very useful focal length. It also features a very good flash (also the same as in the C35 EF as far as I can tell -- EF stands for "Electronic Flash", BTW). One really good feature is that the light meter is located right above the lens inside the filter thread that surrounds the lens. It's a 46mm thread. This means that you can screw a filter on and the camera will meter through the filter. The camera is powered by two normal AA batteries.

The whole autofocus thing got me thinking: what about getting another Konica C35 that has a similarly good lens but manual focussing so that I'd gain more options for composing an image. I looked at my options and the Konica C35 EF3 caught my eye. It's more compact than the EF and it also features a new Hexanon 35mm f/2.8 lens that has 5 elements in 4 groups. The camera has a zone focussing system. The EF3 is a nice camera because of its compactness and handling. It has a really good lens coating which deals very well with front light. I was surprised that the edge sharpness doesn't seem to be as good as the AF2's. It's still a very good camera, a lot of fun to use and it's also powered by normal AA batteries, which is a real plus. The Konica C35 bug caught me and I ended up getting two more cameras, the Konica C35 EF (newer version) and the Konica C35 EFP. The EF is the only camera that actually needs two types of batteries: two AA batteries for the flash and a single 675 battery (I use hearing aid batteries) to power the light meter. Since there's no way to switch off the meter you either need a lens cap or the ready case for the camera because the meter is powered on all of the time unless it's in complete darkness. That's definitely a minus point. I have a few sample pictures in the current weekend thread. The EF features the exact same lens as the AF2 so it comes as no surprise that you get very nice results. The EFP is also very interesting because it's a fixed focus camera but I haven't tried it yet.

TL;DR - to answer Peter's question: I love the Konica C35 EF. It's a fantastic camera. Is it the best camera among the C35s that I own? Well, I think that the AF2 is at least as good if not a tiny little bit better (in terms of "fun to use" and "uniqueness due to being the first production autofocus camera). The C35 cameras that I own are good cameras in terms of image quality. Maybe an Olympus 35RC is a tad better but the C35s are fantastic none the less.

If you think about getting an EF you have to be aware that there's a substantial "Andy Warhol used a Konica C35 EF" hype. The prices can be ridiculously high. I got my EF and EFP for 55 € total on a well known auction site. But you can regular see single EFs go for as much as 70-90 €. That's definitely too much. If you want to get an EF I'd recommend getting the second version (the one with the self timer lever next to the lens barrel). It not only has the self timer, it's also got a third speed of 1/250s. If you don't seem to be able to find an EF, try getting an AF or AF2 (the latter looks nicer in my eyes). Same lens, heaps of fun and a historically significant camera.

Thanks for your patience, sorry for the rambling. :)


  • Self-Coat
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    • Peter Brian Schafer PHOTOGRAPHY
Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 10:07:47 PM »


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    • Peter Brian Schafer PHOTOGRAPHY
Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2019, 01:56:17 PM »
The pictures you post with the camera are stunning. I know that this is attributable to the photographer more than the camera but they show that the camera is capable of impressive sharpness and contrast.

Do these cameras have the common Japanese fixed length rangefinder wobbly lens barrel issue?


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2019, 05:22:41 PM »
I haven't come across that problem yet. At least I haven't noticed it yet. I've used screw on filters on all Konica C35s except for the EFP (which I haven't used at all so far) and I haven't had any wobbling when screwing on the filters (which should be an indicator whether or not the barrel is properly attached). On the contrary, my impression is that the C35s are quite sturdy. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what exactly the wobbly lens barrel issue is. Let me know what to look for and I'll have a closer look.

I'm currently shooting a roll of Adox Silvermax with the Konica C35 AF2. I'm looking forward to developing the roll (I hope to be able to finish it until Friday). I'll post some results if there's anything on that roll worth showing. :)


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2019, 07:46:02 PM »
does the AF2 need a lens cover to keep the battery from metering itself into oblivion?
I have an AF2, and had a Auto S2 that I traded off earlier this year. I kinda wish I had it back because it was tack sharp and I used it briefly for astrophotography.
Konicas do have a certain charm.   8)


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2019, 08:06:27 PM »
does the AF2 need a lens cover to keep the battery from metering itself into oblivion?
That's an interesting question. I can't say for sure. I can only guess that it doesn't for the following reasons: the EF has a needle in the viewfinder that permanently shows the aperture it'd select (so it's obviously metering permanently). By half-pressing the shutter you can lock exposure and aperture. The AF2 has neither the needle nor the exposure/aperture locking. This leads me to think that it only meters while it focuses (when pressing the shutter release). However, I've only stored my AF2 either in a pouch or with a lens cap on so it's hard to tell from experience if I'm guessing correctly.

Do you happen to have any shots taken with your AF2, Becky? I'm really interested in experiences that fellow AF2 users have with this camera. :)


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2019, 08:10:24 PM »
I'll dig through my files and see what I have...otherwise it's going on a short little trip out west (next county  ;D for one of the best green chile cheeseburgers in NM) tomorrow, so I''ll be sure to post some photos in the weekend thread.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 08:14:22 PM by astrobeck »


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 08:17:12 PM »
Fantastic! I've got 6-7 exposures left on a roll of Adox Silvermax in my AF2 so maybe we can compare fresh photos soon. :)


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2019, 08:19:27 PM »
sounds great! I forgot to mention I also have a couple of Konica disposables that have B/W in them .
I'm such a junkie for disposables I buy them when I see them uber cheap just to play with, or reload, or to just take the film out of them.
I wish I had bought a wai-wai back a few years ago when they were available and not so rare and costly....


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2019, 08:51:32 PM »
How're the disposable Konicas? Are they in the "plastic fantastic" category? Or do they stand out from the rest of the disposable cameras somehow?

I'm going to Helsinki on business for 3 days. I'll only have very little free time there but I hope to be able to shoot some film there because I'd like to make an "A glimpse at Helsinki" sort of zine. I'm still pondering whether I'll go with my trusty Canon F-1 which I'm very sure will produce the results that I hope to get or whether I'll take the AF2 because it's light, charming and maybe adds a little more character to the project. The thing is that I don't feel like I have total control over the AF2 which is on the one hand adventurous but on the other hand makes me think whether or not it's the right tool to tell the story the way I want it to be told. The F-1 much more feels like an extension of my arm/eye. But again, the AF2 is so charming. :) Quite a hard choice. I really like both cameras. I'd take both if that wouldn't mean that I'd be hauling too much luggage around for the trip.


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2019, 06:30:39 AM »
Here's a shot from today made with the AF2 and Delta 400 rated at 200.
Developed in caffenol for 9 mins.
One of the best things about these is how quiet they are... and that center focus area can be used to advantage in the right place. I really have no complaints about this little camera.

Oh, and the disposables are nothing to write home about.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 06:32:54 AM by astrobeck »


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2019, 10:43:49 AM »
Nice shot, Becky. :) I developed the Silvermax this morning, it's currently hanging to dry. I hope to be able to scan it this evening. The negatives look promising.


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2019, 08:16:37 PM »
The film came out fine. I think that we agree on this little camera. It's a gem and a keeper. :) The only thing that I noticed is that the meter is a little confused when you use a really dark red filter. It tends to underexpose about a stop. I don't have this effect with e. g. orange filters. But other than that I love the results that I get with this camera.

Tree & dramatic sky by C S


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2019, 09:24:21 PM »
Does it have a CDS cell?
Cadmium Sulfide cells tend to have a different sensitivity level, especially in the reds.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2019, 09:25:58 PM »
Yes, I think it does. That's very likely the problem that I had.


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2019, 10:18:04 PM »
that's a great shot. I usually just go an extra stop using mine most of the time....
I'm planning to use this little treasure more this summer...that and pinhole.  My Holgas need a rest and I know for certain I have a different "eye" when I use the Konica.
Happy weekend!   8)


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2019, 10:39:27 PM »
Yes, I think it does. That's very likely the problem that I had.
I just checked and it's a CDS cell. So that's most probably the problem.

One thing's for sure, I've always had a better experience with cameras that have a CDS cell than with those that use a selenium cell like on the Oly Trip 35...
I have a few compact rangefinders from Minolta and Canon and I've always been quite happy with them.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2019, 05:50:44 AM »
I also think that the CdS works quite well on the Konica C35 series (at least on the copies and versions that I own).


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    • Peter Brian Schafer PHOTOGRAPHY
Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2019, 11:11:12 AM »
Looking into the Konica C35 is quite a rabbit hole -- models are quite numerous! I was searching on the AF and AF2 and came across a MF, which seems to be an AF2 with motor advance (though if you keep your finger on the shutter button it won't advance until you let it off -- a good feature because it's reportedly quite noisy) and focus lock, though via a button on the front of the camera.


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2019, 11:56:28 AM »
The MF sounds really interesting, especially the focus locking. Does it have the same lens as the AF2?


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    • Peter Brian Schafer PHOTOGRAPHY
Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2019, 12:38:57 PM »
 I think so -- Hexanon 38mm f2.8


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Re: Thoughts on the Konica C35 EF*/AF* series
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2019, 08:22:33 PM »
Cool! It looks like a prop from the movie Bladerunner. Very nice camera. :)