The guys at my local shop mentioned that the new backing material on Kodak TMAX 120 is causing problems for some Rolleiflexes. The backing appears to be a Mylar-like plastic. With some Rollei's, customers are reporting:
- film just winds through without triggering the auto counter
- film advances but camera freezes on frame 1; using the "multiple exposure" backwards-wind doesn't clear it
- film advances OK, but frame spacing becomes progressively greater, yielding only 11 frames on the roll
One thing that comes to mind is that the new backing may be slightly thinner than the paper, and in conjunction with modern, thin film bases there's not enough thickness for the automatic trigger to function properly, particularly on cameras where the trigger is worn or just outside of adjustment tolerance.
I still have some "old" TMAX in the freezer and have not experienced the bleed-through, so it will be a while until I can test with my Rollei.