Except I couldn't get it to work against the Internet Archive. Boo! Doesn't mean it won't work if someone who knows what they're doing is driving the tool, but I ran out of patience with it.
In the meantime, however, I found a tool on GitHub that does the job (
https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader) - even though it runs in Ruby, which I needed to install. Good news, is that I now have an offline copy of the old Collabs, but the bad news is that it's not static Web pages, but all of the original PHP stuff. Which is a pain, but to be expected.
I then found another tool on GitHub which can, apparently, convert PHP into static HTML (
https://github.com/neurobin/php2html), so I'm giving that a go in a few minutes. Only issue is that it runs in Python which I didn't have....so back to the install process we go.
Fingers crossed this works....but even if it does, that just gets me an offline archive in static HTML.I still have to upload the damn things to the new site. If only I still drank coffee...and didn't have a family, a job and too many other hobbies