This weekend was a very special one for me. For the first time that since I've been here in the United States (8 years), I was finally able to see a member of my family. My cousin, who is a doctor, moved to NYC so she came down to Philadelphia to visit me for the weekend. Last time I saw her I was packing my small rucksack before going to the Caracas airport and flying to the U.S
Le Chat by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Kentmere 400 in Ilfosol-3 1:14, Canon EOS 650 with 50mm 1.8
Brickwall by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Kodak Tmax 100, Ilfosol-3 1:10, Canon EOS 650 with 50mm 1.8
Smke by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Kodak Tmax 100, Ilfosol-3 1:10, Canon EOS 650 with 50mm 1.8
Fuente by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Kodak Tmax 100, Ilfosol-3 1:10, Canon EOS 650 with 50mm 1.8
D by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Kodak Tmax 100, Ilfosol-3 1:10, Canon EOS 650 with 50mm 1.8
Sorry for bombarding the post with photos.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!