I have for sometime self hosted a photoblog, using Pixelpost. Unfortunately, it has not been maintained for sometime and a recent upgrade to php7.0 on my home server has now finally broken Pixelpost.
I generally use this to share photo's with family & friends as I don't like the idea of letting Flickr/Facebook etc getting their hands on them. Call me paranoid or what.
Yes, I could revert back to php5.x and get this working again but thought I might as well try and use some updated package.
Pixelpost was easy to install, simple to use and didn't go over the top with unnecessary features. Addins/plugins were available that could extend the features if so desired, and I am looking to see if there is something like this out there.
I have tried Wordpress, but it seems to have lots of functionality, that I at this stage don't require. Lots of themes but I can't quite get my head round how these work to be able to get the look I want. Simple/clean/bright/uncluttered.
I came across a package called, koken, which I have managed to get a look I like and is simple to customise. Yes again lots of functionality which I don't require at this stage, but I could live with. However, when you install it seems to phone home and log the installation, so as I was trying to set it up, I have multiple installations logged with them, as it was easier to wipe/reinstall when things went wrong. Part of the reason for this was that I am unable to remove an image, once it has been added to the system. It does appear that others have the same issue with the inability to delete, but there doesn't appear to be a fix for this. One suggested fix is to use chrome browser, but I do not want to install this on my system, just to be able to manage this package, and it doesn't seem to consistently fix the issue.
This is a bit of a nit pick, but Pixelpost stored all the images in a single directory, koken seems to store each image in it's own directory which seems a bit overkill to me.
So, has anybody got any suggestions on something that might meet my needs?
Thanks in advance.