1. On a whim, I pushed some Kodak Gold 200 to 800. I developed it in Unicolor C41 at 100F for 5:30. The negs came out real light, but for some reason my scanner loved 'em, and they came out really well, considering. Next I shall try pushing 400ASA film to 1600
2. Based on Reinhold's suggestion, I tried room temperature C41 development. My room was about 20C, so I left it in there for 26 minutes, with inversions every minute. Ended up coming out pretty well, if cool on the temperature scale. However the film was extremely curly (lengthwise, not widthwise as I usually get), so that was a little annoying. Also, the 26 minutes part was a little annoying, too
So I think I'm back to 100F development, but thanks Reinhold for making me realize that temperature doesn't matter as long as you adjust the time correctly!