Well - the results are back. And I'm surprised. Given that I'm the bloke that took the photos, even I have difficulty making out what is represented here. Harvey very kindly came to my rescue and developed the film for me (as my darkroom is currently a light room).
All images were landscapes on a Holga in constantly changing light (read English 'summer' clouds darting across the sun). I can make out the odd tree, but that's it. My fault for under exposing. But... I think that there is something about the quality of the image which I like. So, next steps: sort the darkroom and expose another roll. And rather than taking essentially 'empty' landscapes with the an odd tree for interest, I'm going to try and fill the frame with high-contrast tones & shapes.
So, my first roll was a disaster, but I intend to try again. I think that the unpredictability would lend itself to figurative work, with either a white model on a dark background or a black model on a light one. Throw some shapes and see what happens. But first - the darkroom needs to be sorted.