That is the title of the newest volume in the "My First" series, which includes such gems as My First Diaper, My First Bottle, and My First Internet Porn Video. In my case, it refers to the Ciroflex I just took off of 02Pilot's hands, which he does a much better job of explaining than I ever could, so here it is: here are the pictures I took on Tri-X on Mount Beacon, whilst painfully puffing away up the mountain
There seems to be a bit of a light leak, but only in extreme sunlight, so I can either cover the left side while taking the picture, or tape it up or something. I probably still have some foam left somewhere from my Canonet re-lightsealing, but Dog only knows where that would be, and I don't have a dog.
I am LOVING this thing! The focusing screen is so clear and realistic that it looks 3 dimensional, the ergonomics are 99% perfect (the only thing that I haven't gotten used to is which knob is the focusing knob and which is the advance knob), and it's on 120 film, which I am loving more day by day
I need to adapt a bit to the square format, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far ... when I crop to an exact square in Lightroom, I've noticed that my subjects are very often right on a "rule of thirds" line. Oh, and thanks to Tri-X, I never needed to use a meter, I just guess-metered it, and Tri-X took care of the rest
I have a roll of Ektachrome in there, so I've been metering it a stop slower, but even then I figure since I'm cross-processing, as long as I err on the side of overexposure I'll be fine. Here's to more TLR shots!