I have this odd question about notching film holders.
Some of you might be wondering why one would go to that trouble? Well it's pretty simple. Then you have multiple film holders, there is the possibility that one will fail and start leaking light at some point. But if you carry multiples, it can be quite a puzzle to try and figure out which one is the problematic one. So, carving notches in a part of the holder so that the notches are apparent in the image can definitely help discard the broken one.
Now, I've been looking all over the internet and have seen a few solutions. Some just drill holes straight through the flip-up gate of the holder. Others file only the interior part while others file through the whole gate.
And then there's the numbering system.
Some use a roman numeral like system involving three different files to do units 1, groups of 5 and tens (▲█●)
Some use a binary system 1,2,4,8,16,32 where the position of the notch indicates the location (100000,010000,110000,001000,101000)
Some still use a location based code ( Units Fives Tens )
So, which system did you settle on?