So like promised my pinhole project.
Large format has always appealed to me, The bigger the better right.... and after reading Francois's article about his contraption 17 it started to itch.
I thought I can do that or sort of that... I found a couple of 4x5 negative holders on a local auctionsite and I decided to make a camera based on a Noon pinohole, myself ..... I designed a box which can hold a 4x5 filmholder, 70mm focal length and it should have a 0,3mm pinhole, which gives F233...
I started with some beech plywood, I learned this from francois's project, this stuff doesnt splinter as much so after a while I had the box ready. I painted the insides matt black and I milled out a bit, so the negative holder fits in snug. I Ordered a HSS drill sets at conrad's which has a 0,3mm drill, used an underside of a tomato puree tin to drill it in. I Also painted this matt black and glued that in to the wooden box.
Glued the back on it, bought a box of Ilford FP4 4x5, while I was in Berlin at Calumet and tried it on when I got back home.... so the first shot wasn't all that I would like it to have been, when scanning I had to put the clarity full out to get a visible image and there was quite a light leak, so I decided to tape of the whole film holder with masking tape and sticking to the recriprocity failure times list listed some where else on this forum for ILFORD FP4, so with an eight minute exposure I got the last attached image, still a light leak, maybe through the dark slide, but considering that for something that I made myself and actually got an image, that is reasonable, I feel proud!!?!
Maybe some of you got tipps for avoiding the light leaks at the darkslide? Let me know. I had some great fun making this and I'll keep perfectioning this till it gives half decent images.