It's true that photography has always attracted its share of gearheads, but I do think digital has made that worse. With film cameras, you could have gotten all the best equipment, and started shooting, but then you might have gotten frustrated with waiting for the pictures to come out, or annoyed that you had all this fabulous equipment but your pictures still suck. Some people would take over more of the process and start developing and printing, but good results took time, effort, and patience, and required a better understanding of and attention to what you were doing. It also required more money, since film and developing weren't free. I imagine a lot of people gave up relatively easily and sold their gear, or, like my brother-in-law, shoved his entire kit into a bag and left it in the garage for 25 years until his sister-in-law wanted it

Digital gives people that instant gratification that people desire. It's easier to spray and pray until you get a good shot, and it's all free. You could take 10 shots or 1000 shots - still costs the same once you buy the camera. And then you put it on the computer and fix it in Photoshop. Suddenly, in a much shorter period of time than with a film camera, you think you are AWE.SOME. You can share you pictures instantly (and now with in-camera wi-fi, you don't even have to use the computer as the middleman!) and you get hundreds of likes. So now you figure, if you can do this good with an entry-level camera, imagine what you can do with a better camera? Yup, time to upgrade. Lather, rinse, repeat.
With photography so much more accessible to so many more people - and so much more easily shared than ever before - it's no wonder camera companies are pushing more and more upgrades, accessories, software... Cell phones took a big hit out of the point-and-shoot market, and so companies push their higher-end stuff harder, to snag all those hobbyists who think a better camera will allow them to take better photos of their kids' soccer games than all the other parents on the sidelines sporting the latest Nikon or huge Sigma lens.