Becky, that's gorgeous.
I'll change the topic from snakes and ask some technical questions
Did you preflash? And what flavour of caffenol are you using? Any digital post?
I do like this forum, there is so much to learn!
I have never pre-flashed and probably won't. It's too fussy for my laid back (lazy) pinhole attitude.
The caffenol recipe I use is:5 teaspoons instant coffee in 6 oz. 68 degree water.
1/2 teas vitamin C powder from Vitamin cottage. ( It's just Vitamin C with no added color, fillers, fragrance or buffers) added to the above coffee mixture.
3 1/2 teaspoons washing soda mixed in 6 oz. 68 degree water- mixed well!
I then combine the two mixtures and shake the living daylights out of it.
Seriously! I put it in an old Fiji water bottle I have and shake it vigorously.
I then let it sit for about 5 minutes or however long it takes me to get my trays set up and ready in the bathroom.
I then develop by inspection which usually works out to about 4 minutes.
No post digital adjustments. I will spot it, but so far I haven't had many spots with the Harman paper.
I love that stuff in caffenol. The coffee gives it a slight stain which I like.