Author Topic: Film wasting in Japan  (Read 1111 times)


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Film wasting in Japan
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:57:07 PM »
Hey film wasters ! It has been an eternity since I've browsed through this forum, but the last academic year was crazy.

Anyway, it's good to be back. For my master's thesis in Architecture, I'll be working partly on Tokyo. So I have now the perfect excuse to realize a life-long dream and visit Japan. I'm going there during the whole month of August.
Now comes the usual travel film photography questions. As far as gear goes, I settled on what has the highest ratio of portability and output quality.
I will travel with a Ricoh digital point and shoot and my Leica M6 and 35mm lens.
Where I need film wasters' wisdom is "traveling with film". I plan on purchasing film locally, as it is more than available in Tokyo and the price is roughly the same (slightly cheaper) than in Switzerland. This also helps to avoid X-ray during international travel. But then again, I read all sorts of conflicting opinion on the fogging dangers. I order to push the concept further, I was also thinking of having the film processed in Tokyo and only traveling with the developed negatives. So, to make things as economical as possible, I'll use the cheapest fujifilm color negative film available.
Well, that's the plan for the time being. Do any of you guys and gals have any experience with that ?
The point is to backpack lightly and still be able to print the pictures in the darkroom of my university.

Apart from the purely technical aspect of photography in Japan, are there particular things you noted while visiting this country that was worthy of sharing with a first-time Japan visitor ?

charles binns

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Re: Film wasting in Japan
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 01:12:34 PM »
Good luck in Japan.  I will be visiting the country in October for a holiday so will be very interested to see whatever shots you take.  With regards travelling with film, my experience is that airport scanners do not affect film.  if I go on a longish trip I put my film in the suitcase going into the hold and have never noticed fogging. 

But if you can readily buy film cheaper in Tokyo then I'd do that.  You might want to take a small supply over just in case you find yourself in a place where there are no camera shops though.

Not sure processing film in Tokyo would work - I process my own film & I would be nervous about handing an undeveloped film to a processor I didn't know.  If they mess it up, then that's your photos ruined. I'm sure most labs in Japan are fine, but if you are unlucky enough to hand your films to the wrong lab :-[ :-[

charles binns

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Re: Film wasting in Japan
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 01:14:19 PM »
Good luck in Japan.  I will be visiting the country in October for a holiday so will be very interested to see whatever shots you take.  With regards travelling with film, my experience is that airport scanners do not affect film.  if I go on a longish trip I put my film in the suitcase going into the hold and have never noticed fogging. 

But if you can readily buy film cheaper in Tokyo then I'd do that.  You might want to take a small supply over just in case you find yourself in a place where there are no camera shops though. You might want to check availability of you favourite films if that's a concern.

Not sure processing film in Tokyo would work - I process my own film & I would be nervous about handing an undeveloped film to a processor I didn't know.  If they mess it up, then that's your photos ruined. I'm sure most labs in Japan are fine, but if you are unlucky enough to hand your films to the wrong lab :-[ :-[


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Re: Film wasting in Japan
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 03:26:09 PM »
i wouldnt hesitate to buy/process all of my film in japan. i would even go as far as saying that the film culture in japan (japan/china/korea imo) is higher than anywhere else in the world. prices are cheap and there are BIC camera and yodobashi cameras around to get your stuff done. do a quick google search to find the closest shops to the district of tokyo you'll be in.

the selection of film in tokyo is higher than what is in SF so i wouldnt worry about bringing any with you.


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Re: Film wasting in Japan
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 07:31:10 PM »
I live in US, but speak the language and have travelled to Japan many times with my M6 and 35/2.   I push TRIX to 1600  and never had problems with fogged film flying to/from Tokyo (or even Zurich), except that one time I left a few rolls in checked luggage.

I also agree with Steven re processing film in Japan.  There is quite a big film population in Japan, from Leica to Rolleiflex to Lomo users.    You should have little problem finding a place to get them developed.  I normally develop my own film and I only stay there for a week or so, so I bring my undeveloped film home.

Tokyo is a bustling city with maze of public transportation that gets very crowded during rush hour, so it's best to know where you are going.    Still, Tokyo and surrounding area is great for film photography, whether street or architecture.  I'm sure you'll enjoy it.