It's a little known fact that before the world changed and we lost our sense of fun, photography used to be a competitive team sport watched by thousands of fans. Don't believe me? Well, here's the evidence. At a packed Polo Grounds stadium in the USA back in 1913 two of the giants of Competitive Team Photography faced each other in the final of the World Series. This picture shows 1914's surprise package, the
Box Reflex Mob, limbering up in front of their supporters as they prepared to face the might of 8 time Series winners, the
Stereo Society (team motto, "We're Double the Trouble!").
As we all know, the
Box Reflex Mob were the eventual winners thanks mainly to the breathtaking attacking (offensive) play of their three Front Lensmen:
Jerry 'Bowler' Eastman,
Sam 'Trilby' Harman and the diminutive
Stanley 'Flat Cap' Whippet seen in strict 'game formation' to the right of the picture.
Photographers - Polo Grounds (LOC) by
The Library of Congress, on Flickr