This week, I'm going to buy the film for our trip to Cambodia and Thailand.
As most of you know, I'm a big fan of mono, however, whilst you can convert colour shots into mono, the reverse is not so easy. I could take two camera bodies (and I still might) but I'd rather travel light. My options are:
1. R3 + 28mm/50mm/90mm + colour film (which?)
2. M6 + 28mm/35mm/50mm/90mm + colour film (which?)
3. (1
and 2 combined) but with a mix of mono and colour
4. 1 or 2 + Hasselblad 500c/m + 40mm/80mm but with a mix of mono and colour
5. 1 or 2 + Rolleiflex 3.5T but with a mix of mono and colour
It's a nice problem to have (in some ways) but, as there are 6 flights / destinations included in the whole trip, I don't want to take too much.
At the moment, I'm erring towards option 1 or 2 + 160/400 Portra. The only other variable is that I will be taking my Lumix LX-3 digi point and shoot and could shoot colour on that and take FP4+/HP5+/Delta3200
All sensible suggestions considered........