Author Topic: portfolio review and presentation questions- opinions wanted  (Read 739 times)


  • Peel Apart
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  • Posts: 252
    • laura burlton photography
portfolio review and presentation questions- opinions wanted
« on: September 10, 2011, 05:33:23 PM »
Hello fellow filmwasters :)

I have some questions for the hive mind and would really value any and all opinions ( well, ok most opinions LOL)

I am participating in two portfolio reviews in the next 6 months and I am also working on some new work.

For those that know me,the new work is sort of an extension on my chalk project. I felt it would be better to add  or expand on that one theme since I have really own shown it locally and I got a lot of good feedback.

Question one- How important is presentation or method of printing?

All of the images I am shooting are on film but I will probably scan and print them digitally, rather than making fiber prints. I am fort;y wondering if that is a mistake? Do you think reviewers value silver gelitin over digital prints? I am also thinking of doing them as toned cyanotypes, but then I am very limited to the size I can produce because of the negatives I am able to make.

So I can make them darkroom prints....ideal but I actually have to do a little photoshop on some of them, so i am wondering if I could make them consistant in a darkroom the same way i can in photoshop

I can make them cyanotyes ( but size would be limited to 8 x 8)

I can make digital prints like I have in the past through a lab. The good thing about this is I can actually afford to make take away prints for the reviewers I meet with.


I can have "fine art" prints made through a lab printed on rag paper but my finances would dictate how many I could afford on that one especially.

Question two - Should I save the work or start showing it off now?

In the past I have had a way of posting stuff online to get feedback and attention for the work. A lot of the reviewers are my facebook friends. Would it be better to hold off or promote the crap out of it before hand?
Should I go ahead and put it on my website/flickr, here? I could actually use the feedback, but I am not sure if it cheapens "my brand" if it is there for everyone to see.... I never thought like this before, but now I wonder....

Question 3 - Pricing

This I have always struggled with. I have been charging $200- $300 for a 12 x 12 unframed print. I have been told I should charge more, but I have not sold shit tons at this rate, so I wonder....Also these were lab prints, not darkroom prints. Should I charge more even though I am not currently represented by a gallery(s)?

So confusing.

Anyways, sorry for the novel, any feedback would be great!


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Re: portfolio review and presentation questions- opinions wanted
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 07:44:24 PM »
Hey Laura,

I'll chime in on the pricing part....

I guess it depends on "who" told you that you should charge more.
Was this a reviewer, a buyer or a friend making a compliment?

It's something to think about.  When a reviewer told me to charge more, I took it to heart and bumped prices a bit.
It also depends on what market you are selling to.
For example: I've found that the west coast will support much higher prices than Albuquerque.

I have mixed feelings on posting new stuff online.  Others will have to help on this front, but I often feel like I want to save showing for the real deal so to speak, and not have everything out on display.  But then you are entering blind, by not having any opinions to base what you show on.

At any rate, I'm excited to learn you are expanding the "chalk" series.  It definitely shows off your style!
Good luck!!!   :)


  • Peel Apart
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  • Posts: 252
    • laura burlton photography
Re: portfolio review and presentation questions- opinions wanted
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 09:03:31 PM »
Pricing  - I was at a portfolio thing in New Orleans last year and two other artists whose work I respect tremendously bought pieces from me and told me I should charge more. Plus I had a piece in an Auction at HCP this year and it went for a couple of hundred more than my list price....and I did not know the people bidding on it.

I never know though.

Still debating the sharing thing though. Its like I can see it both ways. Maybe I will just share it on my blog.....

Ok off to scan more....

Thanks for the input!