The intro in (the very fine) Rocky Schenck book had me shouting at the walls with all its talk of how courageous a photographer he was. Come off it. Anyway, that sort of thing sours the whole explanatory side of photography for me.
Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed....
Did you just knock Rocky Schenck in front of me?
Tsk, tsk.
Even after I gave you that book--which I love. But 'tis okay Wennster. I shant take it to heart.
Actually, he didn't write that statment. Someone wrote it about him. But he still approved it, so can't help but agree with you Wenn.
Superb topic and question. Thank you so much for posting this.
I've labored over these damn things many times over the past year. many ways can I come up with describing my homemade blur and how folks say it invokes distant memories or dreams? Sheesh.
Heck...and I'm a former writer. Still, I don't think I've come close to hitting on my silly purpose statements, but I continue to work and work on them, since they are a necessary element.
Not sure if you've read the ones they list at Santa Fe Project competiton listed at their site, but they always fascinate me. Maybe because I can't write full of myself stuff about my own work...But they are good to read, if not just to see what judges are looking for. After being in a few shows that deal with these statements, it's become clear to me that they are looking for some kind of hook. Just like in the film business. Sort of a tag or log line. How can they easily define you and your work in one or two sentences?
What bothers me a bit is that these purpose statements can be so important, rather than judges looking at the work itself. But that's the nature of the business so we have to roll with it if we want to play along. And some of the far reaching "social" and "political" comparisons that photographers come up with to sell their projects in their purpose statements, even though they have very little to do with the true essense of the project---oh, don't get me started. But heck if anyone can think of a blurry political or social purpose for my work--check's in the mail.
I will have loads to add to this subject within the coming month, since I'm meeting with Mary Virginia Swanson and plan to work on this with her. I will pass on more as I learn it myself.
If you're willing, it would be a great exercise for all of us to read your statement and look at your online portfolio. Maybe we can all help you hone in on what you're looking for? Sure--you'll get tons of conflicting comments, but there might be one that helps you over the hump.
Heck, I'd post mine and love to hear folks would edit, improve, etc... Seriously. That would help me tons. Just an idea...not necessarily a good one.
Regardless--You are not alone in your confusion.
And thank you for posting such an intelligent and thoughtful question