Sorry, it's mostly for North American residents, but on December 21, (also the Day of Winter Solstice) we have a photo op for recording a fully eclipsed Moon.
There's a timetable at if you care to give it a try.
I usually just set my camera (attached to a telescope) and shoot with ISO 200 and
bracket like crazy.
You'll need a zoom, otherwise the moon will look like a tiny dot on the photo, and since totality happens in the middle of the night for most of the middle section of North America, you might just want to try for the early phases when the moon is just partially in the Earth's shadow.
At any rate, give it a go and see what happens.
The attached photo was made a few years ago with a 6 inch telescope at prime focus.
Focal Length 1500 mm
F Ratio 10
Exposure 6 seconds
Film Kodak Elite Chrome 200
Should add....Nikon N80