Dear Filmwasters,
In our usual seat-of-your-pants fashion, we are announcing the 2011 filmwasters calendar, but so far, all the pages are blank.
We need your pictures with which to fill it right up.
Here are the rules:
1. Each submission should include a maximum of 4 pictures - 1 for each season (winter, spring, summer, autumn (or fall if you are that way inclined)
2. Send to the filmwasters [at] gmail [dot] com address
3. Include your name and the relevant season in the file names (eg leontaylorsummer.jpg etc)
4. Forum Regulars only please.
We will then go through and pick the successful submissions ASAP and Heather has kindly volunteered to sort out the calendar using an online POD service with sales outlets in both the Old and the New world.
Please send in your submissions by Friday 12th November.