The Film Dev Cookbook wasn't quite as explicit as I remembered, but it does say:
Film size equivalents The following film sizes are approximately equal to 8x10 inches, or 80 square (802) inches. Throughout the text, whenever 8x10 inches of film is referred to, it will be considered equivalent to one of the following:
1-35mm roll, 36 exposures
1-120 roll
4-4x5-inch sheets
2-5X7-inch sheets
1-8x10-inch sheet
Developer volume recommendations for 8x10 inches of film Although it is true, as Kodak claims, that 100 ml of undiluted D-76 is suflicient to develop 8x10 inches of film, it may not always be enough to develop the film to its fullest potential. The amount of solution required to cover the film's surface should not be confused with the amount of developer required to fully develop a roll of film.
For example, 100 ml of solution will cover one roll of 35mm, 36 exposure film in a JOBO CPA-2 processor. However, to ensure full development of all images on the roll at least 250 ml of undiluted D-76 should be used, no matter what any manufacturer says to the contrary.
To maintain quality and consistency use the following volumes for each 8x10 inches of film, regardless ofthe processing method-even rotary processing.
Undilute developers-at least 250 ml (D-76, Microdol-X, XTOL).
Dilute developers~at least 500 ml (D-76 1:1, Rodinal1:25 to 1:50,
FX 1, FX 2, HC-110 1:31 from concentrate, PMK). Very dilute developers-1 liter (D-76 1:3, Rodinal 1:100, FX 2 1:1, HC-110 1:90 from concentrate).
These amounts may sound extreme to some. But saving on developer is penny wise and pound foolish. Do not try to make photography cost-effective by skimping on film developer. You will never be able to maintain quality and consistency; even if the results appear adequate.
I hope that helps, a little!