Author Topic: flying with film - should i worry?  (Read 1757 times)


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flying with film - should i worry?
« on: August 30, 2010, 03:15:58 PM »
I'm lucky enough to have a holiday coming up in the USA and it's been so long since I've flown with a film camera (actually seven years since I've flown, on holiday, at all). So I'm not sure about film and x-ray machines. I've been a-googling, as you do, and there seem to be opinions that vary by 180 degrees.

Some people say as long as the film is in your hand luggage and not checked in, which apparently gets blasted with x-rays, then there's no need to worry. Others say that a couple of trips through the hand luggage scanner and it's so fogged as to be useless. As we have to change planes in both directions my camera bag is going to take at least four trips through the scanner - should I be concerned? (I'm taking 135 tri-x and superia 200 roll film)

If anyone knows, or has experience, good or bad, I'd appreciate the advice.  ???
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Phil Bebbington

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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 03:27:54 PM »
I have never had a problem to my knowledge. I always take more film than I should so it often gets taken on 2 or 3 trips in a year. I always carry it in my hand luggage, but, other than that I do nothing. I sually shoot 160 colour and 400 black and white for what it's  worth.


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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 04:17:48 PM »
The general consensus (from my reading) is that hand luggage should fine, no real issues.   Also if hand luggage you can ask them not to scan...depending on the airport/security person they might help out, they might not - but no real issues.

More of an issue if checked in a suitcase as X rays are a lot stronger.

Also I did hear more of an issue for high speed films, 3200 etc   No idea if this is true....


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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2010, 04:53:33 PM »
Yeah- generally I don't worry too much about it. The film is always in my hand luggage.

I haven't noticed any ill effect with the films I use (400 speed B&W and some slide, 800 C41). I developed a roll of APX 400 recently that must have been through the scanner no less than 9 or 10 times- came out sharp & contrasty- no fogging.... The received wisdom seems to be that as long as the original ISO of the film is 400 or below you're alright.

(a friend of mine flew with some serious fast B&W film recently- this did show an effect from the scanner but not hte expected fogging- everything had a faint sin wave over it)

You are entitled to ask for a hand-search for film at most airports but I've given up doing this- it's more hassle than it seems to be worth- it always seems to involve waiting for somebody's supervisor

david b

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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2010, 05:14:59 PM »
Carrying film in hand luggage is fine - I've taken 400 speed film through multiple scanners, including scary-looking old machines in the ex-USSR, and never seen any issues whatsoever.

If you are concerned though - why not buy your film when you get there?  Last time I was in LA I rang up Freestyle and had them put aside what I needed.  Worked out cheaper than buying in the UK, and made my luggage a lot lighter on the outbound flight!


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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2010, 05:31:02 PM »

Buying film once you are here in the USA might be the least expensive way to go and you only have to worry about airport security on the return.  One caveat:  unless you will be in a city that has a good photo supply store, finding film may not be easy and probably will be at least as expensive as film in the UK.  B&H Photo Video in New York is an excellent place to save money on film, for example, and, if you have or know someone who has a permanent US address, you could save even more by ordering in advance via internet from B&H, Freestyle, or several other vendors.

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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2010, 06:05:21 PM »
My personal experience is a bit of what has been said. I have asked for my film not to go through x rays machine and had no problem. I also have been said by control staff that up to 1600 iso there was no problem. Lately I have travelled with a film lead bag and had no problem either.


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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2010, 06:13:41 PM »
Thanks everyone, it seems there's no great need to worry. I think I'll bring some film with me and see if I can get it hand checked, if not it sounds like it's going to be OK. My first stop is Portland so I'm sure I'm going to be able to buy film locally, but I'll do some research on that before I go.

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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2010, 06:32:35 PM »
Flights to/from Stornoway I just leave film in hand luggage and it gets scanned. On my recent trip abroad most was in checked in luggage. I use upto 400iso and so far haven't noticed any problems.

Diane Peterson

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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2010, 09:38:25 PM »
I am glad Nigel opened this topic..I know he is traveling to my part of the world and I am traveling to South America about the same time....I was concerned about my film but we only carry backpacks so I am guessing it will all be okay!...thought I might have to be so desperate as to take a digital..:<(


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Re: flying with film - should i worry?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2010, 03:24:34 AM »
Never had a problem with either checked or carry-on. Skj.