Good Morning,
I'm a first-timer to filmwasters, but have been spending some time reading your postings, admiring your images, and appreciating the high level of discourse. I am really impressed by your ability to express an actual critical thought, provide spot on suggestions and comments, and not become mean-spirited in the process. And, while I found a riotous thread regarding "awesome, cool, and far out" types of descriptors when addressing each others works, I am really delighted that you folks seem to take your film-wasting and image-making seriously - at least when it's necessary.
All that being said, I hope to post a few pix here and there, gain knowledge from your experience, and continue to enjoy this wonderful site. I had the chance to listen to the WeeGee and HCB audio recordings this morning, and to view the 1958 Kodak Info-Reel on making film as well. Those 2-reelers were the kind of high entertainment my classmates and I could expect to enjoy on a regular basis as students in a rural school in Missouri. The films were obtained from some gub'mint agency and dragged around from school to school to give the teachers a chance to go to the boiler room and smoke while we sweltered in the gym looking at such training films!
Anyhow, too much rambling, not enough pix. Here are 2 from my Holga 120S. Let me know what you think.
And thanks!
Info Red
[Sorry, image deleted during forum software upgrade. Please re-upload if so inclined.]