Hi everyone, I haven't been on here very much at all I'm sorry and will try and make a better effort. I am very impressed by the quality of work on this site, wonderful stuff!!
I don't enter many competitions but every few years I'll throw one out there to see what happens. My "Rainman" print has been chosen as a finalist in the Iris Awards with the final judging on the 11th Sept and wanted to share it with you. It's been a long time coming but slowly we're getting to see a few photography events in our city.
Also, my work is currently published over 5 pages in the Photo Review Australia magazine. Kudos to them, they did a wonderful job with the images! The interview was unexpected and over the phone, which didn't leave me much time for thoughtful comments, so I still haven't been game to read it!!!

Best wishes,
http://pcp.org.au/index.php?content_id=18http://www.photoreview.com.au/information/photo-review-australia-magazine.aspx[Sorry, image deleted during forum software upgrade. Please re-upload if so inclined.]