Author Topic: Gordon Stettinius interview  (Read 1353 times)


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Gordon Stettinius interview
« on: July 19, 2008, 06:17:43 PM »
Paul Giguere has just posted his interview with the lovely and talented Gordon Stettinius for his latest Thoughts on Photography podcast. Check it out at the link below and enjoy:
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Re: Gordon Stettinius interview
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 09:18:35 PM »
Well I thoroughly enjoyed that interview with Gordon and the softly spoken Paul Giguere. I think these podcasts interviews are really neat and hearing them is so much cooler than reading them in print. I like to actually hear the artist and identify with who they are simply by listening to their voices. And with this podcast tool, and other various communications available, the convenience is right there as opposed to buying a certain magazine and such just to see. Not to knock any sort of artist/photography type publication, but for a slacker like me, clicking the on and off button is a lot more easier. I am known to talk someone's ear off, but I always have this fear of brain freeze if I ever were to be interviewed such as Gordon and others have and the ability to speak freely and fluidly.

Good stuff and thanks for posting this, Bill. I will admit, I have lagged behind in hearing your interview with Paul and I promise to do that this weekend.

Before knowing Gordon, I hadn't a clue how to pronounce his last name. I was thinking it was, Stettin-eeus, then. I think I told him that once on the phone.
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Phil Bebbington

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Re: Gordon Stettinius interview
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 07:10:22 PM »
Thanks for the nod Bill. Really enjoyed it. I'm with Becky, I'm more likely to listen than read!