I buy my chemicals from Silverprint (you can buy a lot of ammonium ferric citrate green and potassium ferricyanide for the price of the fotospeed kit).
I use a hake brush (the nicer ones made by Daler Rowney, not what Silverprint have).
I use APHS Ortho Litho film (bought from Freestyle Photo in the US. even with shipping and possible duty/VAT, it's cheaper than buying ortho sheet film in the UK

) for my enlarged negatives (analog so no help to you there). They retail at 15GBP but occasionally art stores will have them for half price for some reason... I paid more than that for mine

but I've bought a few spares when I find them for 6GBP.
I'm going through a hell of a lot of papers... I can't get Arches to work for me... nor the mythical Buxton paper. BFK Rives does work as mentioned previously. Atlantis Silversafe works but it's freaky and like tissue paper (and is also being discontinued as I saw when I went to Atlantis Art itself). Fabriano Watercolor Studio used to work for me but more recent packs don't

Plain ol' Bockingford watercolour paper seems to work for me too if you want something fairly cheap to practice on which is available in smaller precut amounts - it's a real hassle cutting down those huge sheets of BFK Rives.