I would think it would be difficult to determine the proper dilution to use. For example, you have 50mL of D76, meant to be used at 1:1, and 5mL of HC110 which you want to use at 1:31 ... but that'll only give you 255mL, so if you add the extra 45mL water, which dilution does it affect, what's the actual concentration of the developer molecules swimming in the water, and if you're supposed to develop D76 for 10 min and HC110 for 8min, do you just average them to 9min, or since there's more HC110 swimming around than D76 is it actually more like 8:20 or something? (this math is actually making me excited to try a real life version 🤣 of course, those who know me know that I'm not overly concerned with consistency, so that goes along with Francois' comment 😉)
Thanks for addressing my question, both of you!
The situation was similar to the above, but I thought of it in terms of trying to get a full strength solution of 300ml for FP4+. I had 8ml of the Silvermax left, but needed 12ml for a 1:24 dilution, so considered that as 2/3 or 200ml...and I had 5ml of Paranol S, and needed 4ml for a 1:25 dilution making up the remaining 100ml. The Silvermax time was for 8 mins, and the Paranol S was 11 mins, so I went with 9m30s in the end.
Though these were both "end of bottle" remains I'd been using that anti-oxidising spray as I've been working through the developers over the past month to try and keep them, so I judged them as fresh-ish. I won't fret over that wasted 1ml of Paranol S though :')
I'm not sure of the underlying chemistry of developers, and was mindful of those warnings I used to see on bottles of domestic detergents saying "don't mix this with that". But I thought the worst that might happen was that the mix would work against itself (inhibit development) or potentiate the mix so that I just over-develop the film...or create a stench so bad that the neighbours think I died a few weeks ago
The negatives came out fine, and I should be able to shrink and post a scan for the weekend thread by tomorrow!
If there's no term for this already, I'll dub this waste-reduction process as Franken-dev just for fun