Been meaning to build one for my half frame negs to make a fixed magnification print. What I envision is using a LED bulb for diffusion light source and I already have a Olympus 38mm f2.8 enlarging lens. Thought 6X8inchs on 8X10 paper would be alright and the whole box would be less than 20 inch's high with lamp house attached. The lens could be set for the correct distance and left just slightly unthreaded in the M39 mount so one could touch up the focus.
Don't know how VC paper will react to LED bulb so I may just stick to graded paper. Figured I can make the whole thing out of plywood, painted black inside.
Ah well, spring project.
A more compact version for half frame would be for 4.5X6 in prints on 5X7 paper.
Bear in mind, my contraption would still have to be used in a darkroom with safe light. But it would be fast to set up, slip in the neg, set the aperture, check fine focus, slip in the paper and expose. Use regular 3 tray and a bucket, rinse off (RC paper) and hang it up. Should be fast.