I guess, since I already jumped into the conversation, I should actually introduce myself: I'm a photographer and former picture editor in NYC. I'm glad I've discovered this group (through B&W Magazine).
I shoot only film, will always shoot film (the digital evangelists drive me insane). I do, mainly, hand colored B&W photography, and some transfers as well. I'm just getting into 4x5. For several years it seemed a bit gloomy, and I was always joking (sadly) that I plan to go down with the ship. However, I'm happy to see that film (& traditional paper) sales have stopped declining and are going up again. That was the best news to hear at the recent Photo Expo here.
I have however, recently bought 2 scanners, to scan my transparancy film & finished prints, (for clients that need them delivered that way), but I'm still learning how to use them. Slow going there.
Anyway, I'm happy that there is this little community out there.